Hey guys,
So... I'm in a month-long break right now and I decided to keep myself busy by giving another try to mapping for Source. My idea is to choose a map I loved in a game I used to play and make a map based off of it for an 'actual' game. I will update this post as often as I can and hope I will hear back from you, I really need crits.
The map I chose to remake is Turf from Halo 2, and I decided to make it for Team Fortress 2. I am sorry I don't really have anything to show right now, I just started it and finished planning it. I searched for a top-down picture of the map and made a quick-rough sketch on it to remember the main things too try to keep and added a few details. Here it is :

So, a few explanations about what I did and some questions :
-I think about adding a few underground tunnels (sewers ?), accessible via manholes, to the map. But it might be an issue as it will basically be composed of long, tight corridors. Should I forget this idea ? Add a (few ?) maintenance room(s) ?
-The original map has three small reactors near a damaged building, my idea is to replace it by large fans. Two of them operating, one destroyed. The working ones might project players to the "Motel", and the destroyed one share the same use as the manholes.
-What should I do about the trucks in the original map ? Keep the idea of a small parking, or change it for something else/nothing ? BLU team will have the advantages of the buildings to cover their base while RED team will be in a large, open area.
-The trash shelters will basically be small covered areas (possibly containing health/ammo packs), practical to cover and/or for Spies.
-Red and Blu being the location of the teams' bases, what do you think about their locations ?
-Should the buildings such as the motel, bridge, storage, and ruins be accessible, like the reactor ? (hence the doors. might be useful for snipers, by example)
-In what environment should this kind of map be set ? I've been wondering about Industrial (Well), Farmland (Granary), or Spytech (Junction).
Here is a new, better looking, organization for the sewers :

The orange line is a break that goes from the damaged fan to the sewers. I might make some kind of connection for the functional fans just so it doesn't seem weird that only one fan is connected to the sewers. How about differently closed manholes ? Such as manholes blocked by debris and manholes simply closed.
Here are the screenshots of the blocking :

View above BLU base

View above RED base

Thank you for your understanding. See y'all later.
(Sorry, English is not my first language)
Anyway, I barely progressed due to some dimension issues I just fixed. The same area of the blocking of the map ended up way too small.
The base of the blocking (just the original shape of the map) is done, I now have to add my modifications (such as the sewers).
I guess no one read the full post because of the lack of pictures (well, I can add screenshots of the actual blocking if you guys want to see if you can give me any advice about it), hence the lack of answers regarding my questions...
I'm not quite sure what the map should look like (I like 2 Fort's and Well's style) and will try to adapt the map for these game-types : Standard Capture Point, Payload, Arena, and Prop Hunt (which is not an official game mode).
But yeah, give me just some time to take the screenshots and I'll edit the first post to add them.
Edit : Sorry, took some time, I couldn't get to upload the images.
And I think the challenge would be a bit higher while being a bit more fun to work on since you'll need to think in a different way. And you won't have to make this map perfectly balanced like the maps in TF2 are, like perfectly symmetrical..
But that would maybe screw the sewers concept though.
[url=]ImperialDan[/url] > Well, the idea of the sewers is kind of screwed up already since the map is not as simplistic/open as 2Fort, which means it doesn't really need sewers, adding sewers would make the map a little too complicated, especially when there's not that many players. Or I'll probably just make the sewers accessible in Prop Hunt mode...
I like your idea too, but I have no idea how to make it happen.
Anyway, right now I'm working on making some buildings hollow (like the huge one in the middle, which gives a purpose to the red blocks (supposed to be fans) : projects players on a balcony or something), it's really not easy... =/
Any crits regarding my blocking ?
It's a little big, I might resize everything a little but I feel like I should leave it how it is now because of TF2's gameplay.