Hi All!
I just started with a new weapon and thought mabye some one can help me on the way
Its a sci-fi weapon based on a few weapon that exist today, whit a paint over.
I have blockt it out to try it in the fps view. But i ran in a problem right away -.-'
As you can se, the hole where the screw should be has a artifact. have anyone defeated this shape? if you have pleace tell me
Thinks for your time
Yes guess i have to. I will go to that thread right away! Thanks
The poroblem was fixed with more geometry. Thanks!
Be careful with that muzzle break, if you don't intend to model the cutouts into the lowpoly that is going to cause you problems when you bake, its better to "fake" the holes unless you plan to match that geometry in the lowpoly. Generally the barrel will be the farthest thing from view(and often totally occluded) so putting a bunch of geometry there in the low tends to be wasteful. Unless of course you plan on having a super-awesome shoot yourself in the face animation, or have some sort of customizable system where the player can twirl his gun around in 3d.
The thing is that this weapon is going to be used in a FPS school project, and im thinking of mabye have it in my portfolio and make some nice spinarounds. What do you think a employer would like to se. A even topology=Nice spinaround, or a fps potimized topology?
P.s Thanks for taking the time, you are a big inspirer!
Something that is more sci-fi like
Yes Brink whas a big insperation. therefore they have kick ass guns
It will not be a eotech sight becouse, in our game there will be no zoom on the weapons. and the player will freakout if there is a eotech attachede and you cant zoom with it.
This technic is relatively new and are used on some of the latest big AAA titles. i have worked with is for a while now and starting to get a hang of it. My printscreans are from maya and i used a shader called KoddeShader.(a shader specified on PBL) if you do whant to know more about PBL (physically based lighting) you can go here and download the shader to maya http://www.kostas.se/ or read about it in the tecnical talk thread, They probably know a lot more than i do about it.
This is still a work in progress but starting to become somthing.
The first image is a texture test where i asked the WIP Thread withch thay prefered and made a mix of them.
This Is where i am so far What do you think? crits are welcome
This printscren whas taken with a softer/dark light, so the emissive could pop. so basically this is the shadow sides you se, so the highlights will never hit it.
That last pic was just in Maya's Viewport 2.0 right? What shader are you using for that?
Awesome job. Sorry I can not offer any technical crit however just thought I would say it looks awesome .
Hayden Zammit : Like i said in the coment, i used a shader named "koddeShader" you can download it here - http://www.kostas.se/?p=30 - it suports PBL nad once you get the hang of PBL you can easyly make some goodlocking materials becouse the PBL are made by light physics in the real world. The maps you use
Albedo: Works allmost exactly like Deffuse. just cransk up the colours like 15%
Roughness: Works like Speck and Gloss all toghether (No alpha chanel)
Substance: Take care of the fresnel. Witch basicly means where on the area the light will bounde. For exemple a plastic material has a highlight that is sharp and face the camera, rubber often has a darker Ruffness map and a rimlight thats visible with a smother fadeoff.
Here is a thread made by the same gouy that made the koddeshader, if you whant to know more
l.croxton : Thanks man. Im happy you liked it This weapon will be used in a game whith sarker sci-fi coridors, so i hope the emissive map will do its job in the game
And what can be more sci fi then a soutch screen on the side of the weapon :P
Otherwise though, very nice, well executed.
ysalex : yes i know it makes it look little like a toy, but the orange details is going to be in a lot of places in the game. All the weapons in the game will have it, and look a little like toy weapons and i think its kinda funny :P
Im happy you liked it. Thank man
Don't let OCD over-realism thinking like mine ruin a good design though, I love what you have here, and frankly if there was a less-than-lethal way to have one of these, I'd probably scramble for it.
i can find the other image but this is kinda what i mean.
Consider that it will have a 1024x1024 map and will be shown close to the camera. correct me if I'm wrong but the reason to have looser edges are that its not room for it on the texture map. therefore, for exemple a proop needs looser edges then a fps weapon. Becouse it will often have a smaler texture map and never shown near the players camera.
But if you think this gun have to thight edges i fix them. Have a nice day Alberto
imyj: haha i know. I have some problems with that. first of all its not my native language and the fact that I'm dyslexic does not improve.
but I should have double-checked the spelling. :P
The funny thing is that i dont use to get a lot of reactions but when i spell somting wrong, half the comunity gest involved just look at the WIP thread. haha
Thanks for the coments / Superfail
Now im moving on to the next weapon in the game that is a handgun.