Hello, my name is Giverny Wilson-Martin and I'm currently studying my second year of Computer Games Design at Staffordshire University.
Below, I shall link my online portfolio as it currently stands. I am still working on the site and have more work to post up so there may be some changes but I was just hoping to get some feedback.
I have already spoken to lecturers who have advised me to edit my portfolio to make it more specialised and more instantly appealing so I shall take this on board. For eg. I prefer to work on 3d and 2d character design and animation so perhaps I should tailor my portfolio to that.
However, I also became concerned about the gap between my work and that of current games, as I have been warned that I would be best not to publish my portfolio to companies until I am sure that the gap is not too wide. I am constantly trying to improve so I hope to get a much higher quality of work but I understand that jumping in too early may ruin my chances at a career in the future and I am running out of time to find a placement.
In short, please let me know what you think about the presentation and the quality of work in comparison with current games and what companies are looking for.
Who are you professionally? An animator, modeler, concepter, mocap animator or unreal scripter? Oh and there was that design bit. You just leave me confused after looking at your things. You really need to focus on one thing with you portfolio. I did some mocap, animation and have a ton of sculpts from my school years, but i don't show them on my portfolio cause it's irrelevant for an employer seeking an environment artist to see that he have done some moccap cleaning in school.
Btw, you shouldn't link to a facebook video like that. It doesn't look very professional in my eyes.
So, focus on one thing in you portfolio. But i would also say that you really should focus on one thing regarding you skillset to. Have a untextured head with, i'm sorry gotta me honest, crappy topology as your only model isn't good enough.
Take a look at stuff here at PC. Start of with some simple props, without zbrushing. Learn to bake, learn to properly UV, learn to texture it and make use of current-gen shaders to put it into a realtime medium.
Keep at it!
With your advice taken into account I refined my site to make it more user friendly and more orientated to my chosen field, as well as added some of my latest content.
I will do my best to improve further and to update the site with any successes (and how to make them better).
Thanks again