Hey guys
Iam new to polycount and also relatively new to modeling for games and stuff
So, this is my first post on a site that is very great and has helped me a lot over the time with tons of awesome and incredibly helpful information, that I wasnt able to find anywhere else on the internet! So first of all....thanks for such a great portal of knowledge exchange
So why do I finally make it to my first post?
Well, of course....problems^^
Iam currently working on a M-8 Avenger from Mass Effect 3 for a modeling test at the Games Academy in Berlin.
It has been great fun so far, but i have a few problems regarding some parts of my highpoly model.
First of all....Iam using 3DS Max and Edge creasing with two stacks of Turbosmooth. I didnt like the smothing groups/turbosmooth stuff, because it gave me less control over the softness of the edges and some weird artifacts on small angles. Also Iam not a friend of too many supporting edges, so I tried it with edge creasing this time
I have a couple of screens for you to show you what my problems are and I hope to get some tips or help what I can improve, or what could work better in this specific case
Here you can see the model with Turbosmooth applied. Problems are on the upper Part with the cutout sections. I positioned the edges to get the shapes right, then I beveled to the inside and deleted the inner faces. As you cans see it gives me some microdeformations on the mesh and I pulled vertices for 2 hours and wasnt able to get it right
also I have some issues on the corners of the cutout sections.
The next image is the same part, but with wireframe enabled and turbosmooth turned off:
And something smiliar happens here ....under those round things
(I also tried moving vertices around for a long time and didnt fix it ):
Iam thankful for any kind of help and I hope you guys will all have a great day with nice stuff to come
While probably true, we do have a big thread for stuff like this: http://www.polycount.com/forum/showthread.php?t=56014
Look through there and you'll probably find a similar solution. Generally the fix to these problems is adding more evenly distributed geometry.