As a new school course starts, I have decided to make an environment. Our limits are 50 000 tris and 4 x 2048 texture maps/material. With a time limit of two weeks, I have tried to find an environment that isn't too complicated, but still interesting. This environment will be rendered in UDK.
The concept I will be following is:
It's made by Craig Hodges and he can be found here:
So far, I've made a blockout in UDK as well as started to build the meshes. For today, I am hoping to get some texturing done.
Any critique is much appreciated
Blockout so far:
An update now then. I have started to get most textures into the scene as well as most of the meshes. Nothing's got a final texture as of yet and I still have to make the lightning, as this one is fairly neutral. As this is due today, I won't be able to get the leaves, the cloak nor the Dragonhead ornemants into the scene. Instead, I am going to concentrate on fixing on various textures and getting the lightning right.
Any feedback is much appreciated =D