Here is a little something I'm working on.

First off, I would like to point to the original concept art and give credit to the artist.
Second, a few notes.
- Obviously the back half is roughly blocked out. My room-mate has pointed out that I should block out even more shapes so I can get a good feel of the form as a whole, and then work in all that fabulous detail.
- This is my first time "seriously" working off of someones concept. In other words, My attempt at staying close as the source as possible. Unfortunately this has lead me to a few burnout moments when considering the underside, rear and top portions. But I shall venture forth.
Lastly thank you for any and all critiques and comments that you may have for me.
to be honest, that seems like a tough concept to model, especially if you're not experienced. Shapes and perspective seem a bit wonky and off, and it's hard to tell what's going on in more places than one.
I'd try something different with the square greebles on the lower side. It almost looks as though he somewhat indicated a slope down there, especially towards the front, but it's kinda vague, in my eyes. Either way, I'd try to make them more dynamic, either by slanting them with the angle of the outer hull, or tapering the belly. . .or something. Right now they stick out as being simple blocks slapped on.
Lots of the details could be pushed up in size a little I think.
You might also want to think about working some bevels in that aren't there in the concept, just to add some interest and keep it from looking to cubish.
Firstly I added a slide onto the side of the ship, where you indicated. defiantly adds to the form. Second I worked a little on undercarriage bits.
Lastly you might have noticed a loss of the top, just collateral damage as I reworked, the base shape. Thank you for the input, more to follow.
Unfortunately I did not get to work on this nearly as much as i wanted to.
Ok, so right after I returned from GDC, I was promoted to manager of the restaurant I work at, and since life has been hell. Only recently have I been able to return to work on this thing, and my portfolio in general. I would also like to say hello and thank you to all those I meet ad GDC, I'm sorry I didn't return emails, but as I said, It was a rough few months.
Now on to the project, as you can see I added the turret and a hatch, as well as worked on the areas of what I'm calling the engines. The larger shapes I want to work out now are the cannon, the shields, and the headpiece. once those are finished I will begin working on the finer details again.
EDIT_ cannon
edito 2
Good luck.
Keep on going dude, this is looking good!
This. Your edges are currently way too sharp in order for them to bake properly. I recommend doing softer bevels (currently, most of your angles are 90 degree angles, you'll want to do less severe ones so that your low poly can actually capture your details and showcase them well.
Read this thread:
As well as this one for general baking tips:
And the wiki explains it even more( scroll down a bit for the part about "Hard Egde.."):
The edges around the front, side and top panel meet at this juncture. This has left me with a really funky corner. right now I'm playing around with wear to add, take away, move edges.