Hey guys, i really have hard time sculpting anything in Zbrush, i use bamboo tablet, but i still have problems sculpting in Zbrush.
I have never ever, drew or anything else that comes to art.
I want to ask more experience people, should i learn how to drawing, human and creature or anything else, before i come to zBrush. Do you think that, i can transfer drawing from paper in 3D, so i can be able to sculpt character and creatures?
Please someone to give me some advice.
Go to the sketchbook section and start a thread. Get on a daily drawing schedule to make yourself practice.
I agree with this. There are two sorta sides of it. The physical aspect of drawing and the theoretical.
Any tips for a first time ZBrusher, long ago Maya modeller, I'm all ears :poly142:
spend time with sculptris first. easier interface, good practice.
I recommend http://eat3d.com/zbrush35_intro and http://eat3d.com/zbrush35_character
Needless to say, this is exceptionally rare, but I think you shouldn't refrain from trying Zbrush just because you don't draw. Do both. A lot. Study anatomy and apply that in 3d and 2d. You'll get different benefits from each that will cross over to other. Just do the work, get specific about your weakness and take 'em down. Spend as much time as you can manage and you'll see results guaranteed.
Getting into sculpy, as someone mentioned, is also a really, really good idea.
Could you give me a link for that guy? I mean link form his portfolio.
Get a sketchbook and draw stuff from observation and your imagination every day, BUT
There is no logical reason to take a hiatus from learning zbrush just because you don't have foundational drawing skills. Work on all of these fronts if you have the time, and take on the personal projects that motivate you.
Too often I see kids falling into the trap of clinging to exhaustive studies. Your art pursuits should continue to stem from a participation with life and your interests rather than a fear of invalidation and failure.