So its me again, i created a new thread since the old thread's title was really outdated and misleading..
Here's what i have so far. I'd saying the arm is like 90% ready, lacking some finer details and a skin texture.

Does anyone have any crits on the anatomy, or does it look fine?
initially I'd say it looks slightly undefined in some parts. I would also say where the bicep joins the forearm is too pointy and looks a bit off. Also, on the top right view, the palm kind of just merges into the forearm on the bottom side, wheras in reality there's some seperation, both with some creases, and some form changes.
and here are some pics from other angles
although i want to get the whole arm right, im most concerned about the forearm and hand, since these will be used as the players arms in 1st person, so the upper arm is rarely visible.
in the meantime ill go ahead and fix the length of the last thumb piece.
Where the thumb inserts into the rest of the hand.
Here's a paintover.
thats actually the exact reference i used to redo the forearm.. The arm is in a slightly different pose (the wrist is more twisted) but i think i got the muscles about right.
but then again on some people the skin smoothes out the muscles a lot.
Ive hit a wall of sorts now though, Im trying to paint some pores, but the way i do it i need to use the smoothing brush in places, and i already have some other skin detail down, which gets destroyed if i use the smoothing brush..
is there a way to have the smoothing effect only apply to one layer or something?
Have a play around with it before committing it to your actual ZBrush sculpt. I haven't had the best of luck with using layers so you may find it's not exactly what you're after.
yeah i tried the layers but the problem is, that i have hard noise detail (which i need to smooth down a lot, to make them look like pores) and under that i have very faint skin detail, like tiny lines and creases etc, which need to stay untouched.. so even if i make the pores in a different layer, smoothing them would still destroy all the tiny skin detail i have underneath even if they are in a different layer..
here are some pics of the changes:
I extended the thumb to a more realistic proportion, and also lowered the backhand a bit, since it was a bit bulgy compared to my own hand.. Im really skinny so i dunno if my hand is skinny too but imo it looks more normal like that.
also smoothed out the muscle definition, so it looks like he has some actual skin on top of dem muscles
I moved the tendon up so its actually in between the wrist joint and the first thumb joint.
I made the muscle below that tendon more bold to create the little pit i have on my hand in between those (muscle and tendon) also shown in pic
im gonna take this on in to max soon to create the low poly, and then ill go ahead and bake dis dang
does anyone recommend doing the diffuse in zbrush polypaint or should i just wing it by hand in photoshop?
that said, I know the lengths of fingers can vary drastically from person to person. For example in the army i had this one guy in my platoon who's thumb was about half the size of mine, and he wasnt a small guy or anything, just his fingers were short lol. And he also had a tiny foot..
I cant offer much in techincal terms but from my own eyes, the finger knuckles need to be more prenounced like in your ref pic. Either make them bigger... but to me make the first part of the finger slightly thinner.
are you just saying that based on the ref pic? since i have really skinny hands, and these ones i'm making are supposed to be more muscular and built, so the ref might not be 100% accurate?
but i guess i could check out what it would look like.
decided to go for the polypaint option.. i can touch it up and edit sat/hue values later on in photoshop but atleast i learnt a bit more of zbrush today.
now ill probably go on and make a game engine compatible mesh and then do some baking.
these renders are from 3ds MAX using Xoliul 2 shader. Currently looking at xnormal to render some sss maps so i can get this in cryengine3 and make it look sexy
still trying to figure out how to get better sss effects out of that shader..