I'm working on a semester long character for my character development class at columbia college.
At this point I've got most of the props in, and I'll be taking it into zBrush soon.
Before I do, is there anything that stands out?
I seem to run out of ideas for steampunk after a while. lol

it seems so heavy and uncomfortable that it makes me think of torture devices rather than anything user-friendly.
it also looks like a keg from side.
those pipe things sticking out are mysterious as well.
arms and hands look rather wooden.
At first I thought her head was a lamp, but when I noticed she actually had a human head inside it seemed more like a torture device.
Part of the problem is that I have no idea what's supposed to be going on with your design. Why is her right shoulder torn? Why does she have pipes in her stomach? Why does her dress end in metal plating? Is she a cyborg?
Aside from the stiffness in her arms and hands it looks like your modeling is fine, but your overall character design is just confusing.
My concept is a woman that is being kept alive with steampunk technology. The helmet is based around a large milk pale, the idea being that whoever built the machines that are keeping her alive, was short on parts. I will be addressing the problem of the weight of the helmet with a collar that has a series of rachets, to assist with movement.
I will work on the hands to make them more life like, and ill flesh out the arms more before I sculpt. I still have to model some shoes as well.
in oxygen, to replace the air for super deep diving. This helmet tank works like a assisted breathing apparatus