Hey polycount! Here's a project of mine I've been working on for a couple of days now.
It's a high poly model that is going to be rapid prototyped and developed into a toy (Different pieces separate and click together with magnets. This is so you can customise your robot how you want)
There are also plans to create a computer game based around this concept. So I will be doing a low poly of this too!

I am up to finishing off the torso then need to move on to arms and head!
Not sure if I should give it a back attachment too like a jetpack thing
Also trying to work out some pose-able magnet joints
I like the idea, though. I'll be looking forward to seeing how you go with this. After all the messing about with this stuff I've done working on the Dragons project, I've toyed with some similar ideas myself.
I second what Jackablade said - If its gonna be a made into a toy, you may want to thicken certain parts, like the thin thigh bits, and slightly simplify others, like the clip-things on the elbow area..
Even a magnetic halo figure wont stay connected when moved, So the big bulky forearms could cause problems, of course i dont know what your plans are for the type of magnets and shapes for them.
Got an ideas for those yet?
Thanks for the tip man! Ill be sure to beef up the thinner parts. The actual 3D print won't be the final product btw. I plan on using it only to create a mould for the product
Thanks mate. Ah good point. I shall rework the forearms!
Ah thanks for the heads up man. I am still trying to wrap my head around how I can make stable adjustable joints that won't get loose over time but are still easily interchangeable
Uni assignments are keeping me back from working on this guy too often