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Strange alpha material : how it is working ?

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Froyok greentooth
Okay, I'm not an expert at all with the materials of the UDK, this is why I come to you polycounters ! :thumbup:

I saw a while ago this video :

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PTDEAq4fYVQ"]i don't know - YouTube[/ame]

...and I can't understand how this is working.
I have tried to contact the author, but I never had a response.
Somebody have an idea of how this is possible ?

What I can't figure out, is how it is possible to get the current alpha blending which intersect these rectangles.


  • CHON
    Can't have a look right now but it seems that he just used in Kismet some Toggle Screen Black out with firstly the environement on target which fade to black and then when this Toggle Screen Blackout become visible again the grids became black and again and again

    EDIT : Sorry didn't see this was about the alpha blending, I will have a look at it:poly142:
  • Froyok
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    Froyok greentooth
    Here a quick gif from the video (if you can't play it) :
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