Hey there everyone. I had posted theis a bit in the WAYWO thread, but it's toa point now that I think I need to make a new home for it. I'm making a female Gnome Warlock from "WoW." It's based off of my Wife's character but I want it to be portfolio ready as well. It's getting close to done now, with me needing to touch up textures, create specular, and rig for posing. So, here is what I have so far.
Also, in case anyone wants to see some of the early ZBrush work I'm including some links.
Working some more on the diffuse. I know there is a seam in the middle of the skirt and the top. marmoset isn't wanting to play nice where I have my model symmetry. While I am implementing normal and spec, I want to retain the color information that is traditional of WoWs art style. Still a bunch of work to do, not to mention skinning and creating a base and spell effect.
Not sure if you've gotten to it yet, but her skin could use a little spec.
Metal is looking dirty and blurry... You could buy this tutorial, if possible. Very enlighting. http://www.3dmotive.com/training/photoshop/hand-painted-weapon-texturing/?follow=true Or at least study a bit more how Murph and FirstKeeper work on metal, they do an amazing stylized job.
Some more tuts: http://wiki.polycount.com/SpecularColorMap?highlight=%28%5CbCategoryTexturing%5Cb%29
One more thing, you don't need so many triangles on that yellow circle on her shoulder pad. It's a waste.
This put, show us more, she's turning very well.
Things to work on -
Spec on Skin
Metal Details
Eyelashs (I just turned off the alpha in these shots, I haven't done anything yet.)
The shape of the hair and eyes I'm pretty happy with. We'll see.
(Ninja edit) - I am also aware that the shoulder pad is totally clipping through the back of her shoulder.
Looks much better with just the alpha off. :thumbup:
. . .also, she's got a bit of an ao mustache going on. . . if that's in the map, I'd tweak that. If it's in the shadows. . tweak those.