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Trouble installing XoliulShader

Hello all this is my 1st post!!!!
I am having trouble installing my Xoliul shader and i cant seem to find any help on the main site.

I have downloaded the file and saved in my documents, i unzipped the folder and moved the mzpInstall into 3dmax. When i do this three things pop up.1. maxscript 2.Rollout error 3.MSPM installer v.1.0

The maxscript rollout reads
MAXSCRIPT Rollout Handler Exception
--Run time error dotNet run time Exception: Project image.bmp

And the installer that is clearly missing the image above
MSPM Installer v.1.0
i click on install and this message pops up
Error could not locate files in temp folder
I try to do it manually in the menu but does not work i have also tried to in admin but again same thing could someone please point me out where i am going wrong! :poly127:

HELP!!!! thank you for you time


  • Eric Chadwick
    Offline / Send Message
    Did you fully unzip the archive to an actual folder? Or did you just drag-drop from inside the zip?
  • miksewell2008
    Offline / Send Message
    I fully unzipped to a new folder in my documents, i googled the error message and i really couldnt find much i found a guy that said he re zipped his and it worked so i tried and sadly it didnt work.

    But because the error message said it couldnt find it in the temporary folder i searched through my 3dsmax doc folders and couldnot located a file that was labelled temporary files
  • Nysuatro
    Offline / Send Message
    If you download it with explorer it automatic name it with the extension .zip
    Rename it to .mzp and then drag and drop in your viewport of max.

    Please check the Xoliul thread if you have more problems.
  • ricolas71
    Offline / Send Message
    ricolas71 polycounter lvl 12
    Hello, I know this post is a bit old, but i come across the exact same problem. I'v looked into xoliul help doc + checked what you mentioned here and i still have the same error.

    Does anyone knows a way around it?
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