Hi, I'd like to share my portfolio for feedback on the content. Any criticism on the quality of the pieces and advice for new pieces that would make the folio better. Also, I am looking for a job as a 3d artist/environment artist (junior).
1. Noticed all the normal maps appear to be diffuse textures with default crazybump settings. This is directly telling potential employers you don't have an understanding of generating normal maps. They also appear flat on the renders, effectively adding northing to the scene. Spend some time on creating high detail meshes and baking normals down to game ready meshes for a few simple props to display a grasp of this skill.
2. All the specular maps suffer the same problem. Most appear generated right out of default crazybump settings. Compare the Alleyway to the Apartment Building scenes, the alley uses grayscale diffuse for specular. The result is solid white grout for the bricks resulting is solid white, reflective specular. Now the apartment scene's brick has solid black brick grout spec. This level of inconsistency for the same thing dictates to employers you don't understand how to create a proper specular map.
There are countless threads and polycount wiki entries to direct you on improving these results.
Also, every piece is closely related in style and genre (photo real, buildings) Not a lot of variety. You will be pigeonholed into only being able to apply to realistic projects. Not necessarily a bad thing, but showing some knowledge of a few different styles (sci-fi, hand painted fantasy) would allow for normal application leverage.
Another question you may be able to answer:
Would companies rather I use Maya/Max map transfer or would it be ok to use xNormal?
I agree to everything that has been said and I will just add that you need to work more on your lighting. I think these environments could look way more interesting with a strong artistic lighting.