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question about hidden obj games

polycounter lvl 7
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djurdja polycounter lvl 7
can anyone can pls tell me,
i want to know does models in hidden obj games have uv based on camera? i want to start learning this field of 3d so any help is great!
also if anyone knows some good tutorial it will be great!!

it will be helpful if someone tell the hole process
for example
basic mesh in maya
zbrush for details
go back to maya with displ maps and do the texturing and shading
do render and go to ps
am i right??

i started one scene some time ago, do base mesh and basic texturing in maya, and everything else in ps.
thnx guys very much! :)


  • Joshua Stubbles
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    Joshua Stubbles polycounter lvl 19
    It looks like their games just use pre-rendered backgrounds is all. Are they actually 3D? Mark Dygert might be able to chime in more on the process, as he works on similar games at HER Interactive.

    But to me, it looks like pre-rendered backgrounds built from high poly meshes. Since the camera does not rotate around the scene, you can break elements out into different planes of depth, where the character can pass behind them (ie; a table). Though there may be other ways of doing it, with masking and all that. I've never worked on a game like this myself, so I'm only guessing.
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