This is my first scuplt, with zbrush, started around Jan 2012.

This is my second attempt at sculpting, started around the first week of Feb 20012, after reading an article on making sandtexture for UDK, i decided to do Sandman (spiderman villian), that would give me a chance to practice sculpting a humaniod and a chance to do sand texture as well.... I used Humberto Ramos's sandman as my base reference.

My first attempt at Polypainting.

Next up, Im going to start exploring around Lightcap and BPR filters.
Thanks for taking a look at my stuff guys!
reference pictures. How the muscles connect to each other as well as their shapes and placement.
Keep it going!
yeah, i need to work on the anatomy, but after looking at some ref, of sandman i think i can get away with it
here are the results after playing around with bpr blur filters and lightcap.
Here's my crappy attempt at Comp work in photoshop.... i shouldve used the above image for the comp work....
Thanks for taking alook guys.... please any C&V will be welcomed and appreciated : )