Hi there ladies and gents of polycount.
"Nice polycount sketchbook, naht." (quote Royzy) The voice of reason, in regard to me starting one of these threads being overdue.
So here I am. My name is Matthew Butler and I am know in various circles as Mario for my mustache growing and clothing choices. I recently finished a degree in Digital Animation September last year. In the 3rd year I focused on modelling and character rigging finding environment modelling to be the area Im most creative in.
Since ive left university ive been casually working on my portfolio In my free time. More recently in the last month ive been putting more hours in teaching myself, mental ray mood lighting techniques, improving my texturing and baking texture maps for games. Its been hard but fun and im even more pumped to get on with my next project now that these 2 personal projects are finished.
For now here are some stills from some of my most recent work as well as my showreel from the end of 2011.
All these stills are finished pieces and I would love to receive any crits, tips or opinions that you may have.
Personal project: Panzer III (PzKpfw III) Viechle Model
I made this because ive always wanted to model a tank and to practice my hard surface modelling. I plan to make a low res model at some point for games using some of the high res model as a source mesh for baking normal maps.

Personal project: Mario's mad house
For my first interior environment I wanted to start using texture maps like normal and specular and get a good feeling for mood lighting. I wanted to make something wacky and original for my first interior while still learning the techniques I wanted to develop in the process.

Lastly heres the opening still to 1 of 3 jungle scenes I modelled the environments on, rigged the plants, rigged some props, simulated dynamic ncloth for props.

Showreel 2011 (fall)
For these projects in full see my showreel and website.
What is next on the agenda, Skyrim weapon?
Anyway, welcomes
I really want to make some skyrim weapons and armour gonna try do the weapons an armour under one theme which Ive got in mind. At the moment im making a twisted game environment which I will render in a game engine. Ive also got a stretchy rig planned for craigs character Jon on the side. Problem is finding the time as im rather busy with real life job work at the moment. But will post this next environment here once ive made a few more set pieces.