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Hey everyone, hope all finds you well! Im starting another weapon project and I just wanted to share it with you. At the moment Im really trying to speed up my work flow and get better at anything and everything that has to do with weapons and environments. Without further due...

The design is by this awesome concept artist : http://torvenius.deviantart.com/


And here is a quick peak of my project. Much to do but I hope to update something SICK soon... Post :D!



  • JohnnyCrespo
    Quick update... Just finished the Low. Feeling pretty good about it since there is only one image to work off of. But the concept has enough detail. Comments are appreciated,

    Some AO shots!

  • CrackRockSteady
    The rear grip's edges are much too sharp. You only have the side-view of the concept to go off of, but if you look at some real-world weapons you'll notice the grips rarely if ever have such sharp/squared shapes. It would be extremely uncomfortable to hold.

    You also seem to have a lot of unnecessary polys in places the player (assuming this is a first-person weapon) will rarely if ever see. The barrel especially looks like it has a lot more faces than are needed for such a small piece.

    You should also post up some wires of your finished low poly. I don't know if you've optimized it yet, but the original shots you posted have a lot unnecessary polys.
  • Se
    very nice progress considering you only got one image to work off of. Hope to see more progress soon.

    My only complaint as of now is how angular certain areas are, especially the handle and trigger guard. Be sure to toss a few more edge loops in there.
  • JohnnyCrespo
    Hey fellas! Thanks for the crits. This is def not the complete Low Poly model, I should have said that my blockout was done. Anyway, I will start getting it ready for the high. Stay tuned!
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