So recently i discovered people could easily customize the viewcube textures in Maya and XSI (yeah, i'm 2 years late)
inspiration :
well there are a lot of threads about it, where you could get templates and ideas so i'm not going to post everything.
I've look around to make it in max aswell, but couldn't find the detailed process, as it's a bit more complex. Some guy made it on area forums and said a ressource editor is required to edit the .dll
So thanks to him though i can't find the thread.
So here is the process.
Download resource hacker
execute it, open
C: \Program Files\Autodesk\3ds Max 2012\stdplugs\AutoCamResENU.dll
Under DATA, you can see the png's used for the sterring wheel or the viewcube (starting by VC)
right click on the desired ressource (eg VCFACEMAP), chose Replace Resource

Navigate to your png, rename the ressource as required.

ctrl+s to save the .dll
Boot Max
tadaaa :

Yep, it's utterly stupid, that's why you want it.
Cool find!
But I use it once in a while, and if now it makes me smile when i look at it, then, it worthes the space waste