Home Digital Sketchbooks

Sketchbook - samcole

Inspired by cholden, and other people I know in real life I've started to do 1 hour speed paints every night before I go to bed. Started last night, so I've done two so far. These were done using photos I pulled from Google. This will be half journal/half critique. I'm pretty new to digital painting so these are going to be real rough as I try to find my workflow. Thanks guys.

From Yesterday:

From tonight:


  • samcole
    Today's 1 HR. painting, took inspiration from the idrawgirls.com video. Tried to do something similar to him. No reference used for this one.


    I need to find some resources/sites that can offer more tips/tricks. Right now just kind of stumbling through all of this myself.
  • samcole
    I got inspired by one of my cousin's photos, so I decided to use it for my 1 hour speedpaint today. I'm feeling a bit better about my skills, I would like to start to branch out into my own concepts within the next couple of weeks, but I need to still get my entire workflow down. I still stop a lot to find the brushes I want, and get the textures/details the way I want. But things are starting to flow better.

    Small Triumphs I guess.

  • Joseph Silverman
    Offline / Send Message
    Joseph Silverman polycounter lvl 17
    Nice to see you leaping in, these are nice and bold and show clear intent. You need to think more in terms of big masses of lighting and shapes, and less in terms of what you THINK you see.

    Google brought this up; check it out, but don't get too lost in the details:

    Part 1: Digital Environment Painting with Noah Bradley - YouTube
  • samcole
    A response! Thanks Joseph for taking the time out to offer some advice. I have been trying to focus on the lighting and shapes, but it still will take more work. I might try to do a painting earlier in the night while my eyes are still fresh. The eye strain tends to get a bit extreme later at night cause I've been working so long.
  • samcole
    Been feeling exhausted past few days. This actually was done in less time because I struggled through 2 other photos. I guess its just the stress of school.

    Thanks for the link Joseph, still trying to figure out how to switch my brain to think of big shapes and forms of light.

  • samcole
    Joseph mentioned I should try blocking stuff out, so I decided to do a B&W study tonight. Still hard to not think about what I think I see, but I'm working on it. So here it is without further blabbering.


    I'm going to try some cityscapes soon, been doing a lot of nature stuff, might do some perspective studies soon since that is a weak point of mine.
  • Alemja
    Online / Send Message
    Alemja hero character
    Vast improvement on the latest one, the forms and readability are much better, keep it up!
  • samcole
    Thanks for the observation Alemja. Here is tonight's paint. Another mountain scene...I tried to do something different with the water in the foreground. I'm going to assume it reads like sand and not water. Oh well.

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