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Controling wind speed in kismet?

polycounter lvl 7
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Artist_in_a_box polycounter lvl 7
Yo fellas

I have a flag (the image below) it has a medallion and three tassles. My original plan was to have the tassles handled by cloth and the medallion swinging in the wind slightly. I originally animated this action manually in 3DS Max but the wind and the swinging of the disc do not make any sense when in game as the wind is constand and I have this disc just swinging to its own tune. It looks ridiculous.
I need to have the wind and the swinging of the disc in sync but the only way to do that is to either animate the disc in Max and then sync the wind up with it in kismet. I am still pretty new to kismet and matinee so before I get elbow deep in learning the fundamentals of it all can I just ask is it possible?
I knwo kismet can handle the wind when using vertex weights on foliage and such but can it also be used to control the wind speed and variation on a cloth mesh?




  • SirCalalot
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    SirCalalot polycounter lvl 10
    I'm not entirely certain why you want to use Kismet, but surely you'll just be better off entirely using UDK's Cloth Physics?
    In Max. if you attach the medallion's pivot to the cloth bone and the main part of the medallion to the rigid bone, maybe that would work? Making the medallion flap about but still seem solid.

    Although that could result in the medallion staying still...

    If that doesn't work, what about a third bone attached to the medallion that is parented to the cloth bone?
  • Artist_in_a_box
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    Artist_in_a_box polycounter lvl 7
    The flag is using cloth physics and the medallion is animated swinging in max lol, sorry for th emixup it was hard to explain.

    The problem is that the wind speed in UDK and the movement of the medallion dont match up and the only way to make them match up is if i manually control the variation of the wind speed.
  • Artist_in_a_box
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    Artist_in_a_box polycounter lvl 7
    Double postig again - I am amazed I didnt put the flag image in originally, totally forgot, done now. :)
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