this is something that I have been working on here and there over the last few weeks, but Haz's post and the fact that its needed for a project pretty soon have given me the balls I needed to post it
now I'm not exactly great at males but my female form in particular is bobbins, so I'm hoping that the good people of polycount will crit the F*ck out of this so that I can actually do woman anatomy proper like
heres hoping
other than that it's looking good =]
I'm curious to how you find sculpting in zbrush as opposed to clay and stuff. You've got some pretty impressive figures on your site!
Also thanks for the kind words about my IRL stuff, yeah there is a lot in the smaller scale sculpting that you skip just cos of the size of the stuff that you really cant leave out in Zbrush, that and getting my head around proportions in a computer screen have probably been the hardest things to get my head around....I dont do it much nowadays, but a few of us at work have banded together and we are getting something up and running which is nice....I also have a fimo sculpt on the go next to my monitors....its nice to dabble when you are baking stuff....sometimes I wish the bakes would take longer
It's all done somewhat exaggeratedly (reminds me of Saints Row 3), but it's pretty solid.
She does have a pretty masculine upper body, tho.
Pretty decent, yeh jus a few tweaks here and there alredy mentioned ,
ykno the back of the knee, thers a buldge inbetween the hams(fat deposit i tihnk), more convex than anything. idk, keep it up tho im learning muchzors!
Conrad: thanks very much, the troll facepainty thing is kind of old now, I should really take him down off the site but i have a soft spot for the ugly bastard ....I have something planned with another PC user that I'm doing this for....all will be revealed in the near future, I just wanted to cheat and get a head start on my anatomy
dirigible: thank you very much for this, I have spent most of the day reworking her based on a lot of what you have painted....the toes....yeah..uhm, the character will be wearing that a good enough excuse?
I see what you mean with the saints row reference too, I will try to reign it all back a bit once everything is in the right places
Di$array: thanks for the feedback man,....I was worried that the arse was already too big!! yeah been looking at this for way too long really, ended up sketching a guy yesterday just to see if that would help reset my brain...I dont think it did but now I have another character to add to the unfinished sketch pile
disanski: Ta much, also thanks for the crit mister, the trap has been changed, I also ended up lowering the head slightly after that, I think that I will need to rotate her head up a little now, her jawline seems a bit steep....ahhh tweak one thing, break another
SSquir33: thanks for the heads up on the back of the knee mister, fixed it....I feel your pain on the female anatomy learning...its fun but bloody challenging....also my second monitor is pretty NSFW mopst of the day
progress shots then, I will get to the lower arm and hand tomorrow aftyer work I think, but hopefully this is going in the right direction. Again andy crits are much appriciated
ta much for looking
thanks again mister
thanks again for the help Dan, you are a star
further crits etc much apriciated