Hey all,
I'm working on getting my portfolio into shape. Vic here is my attempt at both a likeness and a regular, street-clothes kind of character. I'm putting the finishing touches on the sculpt, and thought I'd solicit some feedback. I'm pretty happy with the likeness and his proportions. I beefed him up a touch intentionally, to really sell the short and stocky look. Still working on the pants folds, though I'm generally happy with the direction they're headed. Still need to add little details like jeans stitching and rivets and such.
I made kind of a dumb mistake in that I modeled body all as one piece, so I really had to work at defining the separation of the arms and shirt, and shirt and pants. The shoes and head are separate subtools.
Anyway, thanks in advance for any feedback.

and is it me or does he look like the guy in a tv show called the shield
EDIT: nvm i jsut wikied the show lol