Hey everyone!
After years of assaulting my coworkers with the maverick nerf gun I decided to use it as the basis for my next weapon project. Im planning to do a steampunk style version of this gun. As you can see below, so far Im almost finished with the high-poly version of the base gun. Next I plan to add extra geometric details and elements before sculpting and painting. My end goal is to have a game ready weapon for UDK.
Thoughts and suggestions welcome

WIP model

Some of my reference.
Keep adding to this one and push the look and feel of the gun till it isnt even recognizable.I like the top addition to the slide
Dont be afraid to take pieces away if you find a more interesting shape or piece should be there. That will make this gun a great model.
@SnaFuBAR - Are you talking an attachment to the handle like this?
That could be a cool direction... Thanks guys!
I'm not a huge fan of the digital camo, I liked the way it looked without it..
The handle seems sort of weird to me too. I'm not quite sure what material it is. Most of it looks so smooth, I read it as plastic. Most metal gun grips have some sort of pattern in them. But it would be cool to add some color to the piece and the handle would be a good place to do that, like the reference. If you didn't want to do the wood, leather would look cool too. But right now the whole thing is basically just gray scale..
@FullSynch - I totally agree and have a few ideas for projectiles as well. Hoping to get some time for those soon...
@dpadam450 - I have toned it down a little and still not completely happy with it. Planning to revisit this.