Hi everyone!
I'm working on a scifi level in UDK.
This piece is aiming for my portfolio so ANY critics is welcome!
I got inspired by Deus Ex 3, Mass Effect, Mirror's Edge, Syndicate, BRINK and the amazing architect Zaha Hadid.
This is only blocking. Lighting and textured models are just for testing purpose. I just want to know if you guys like the architecture, the shapes, the forms?
I plan to add more props after.
My environment is based on this picture :
Thanks a lot!
also the picture you have is from the Zaha Hadid bmw central building
its a very cool building and Zaha Hadid is a amazing architect
Just as a sujestion bring some of the cool curves into your scene:
Some updates...
This is my blocking so far:
Screenshot directly from UDK.
I also think your lighting is blowing out some of your scene and is kind of blobby in other places. Over all I think you have something neat here, can't wait to see more!
I think the thing that is makeing the scene seem small is that your scale on certain items seems off
Your rails on the stairs seem a bit thick and the seats thickness is a bit heavy
I also like how you're taking a stab at the lighting pretty early. Thats a good direction