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Character Modelling.. Attempt

polycounter lvl 7
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millyparkes polycounter lvl 7
Hi Everyone :)

I'm currently working on creating a base mesh for my first attempt at character modelling. The model is designed to be of realistic human proportion so that I can practice sculpting some accurate anatomy!

I would really appreciate ANY feedback on how to improve what I have done so far...



  • Saman
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    Saman polycounter lvl 14
    I'm curious to what reference images you used for the anatomy? I usually don't recommend people to use ideal body anatomy but maybe that would benefit you more in this case?
  • millyparkes
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    millyparkes polycounter lvl 7
    I am using this image from 3dsk for most of my reference (apart from the head)

    I was tempted to model a female of heroic/ideal proportions but I wanted to make sure I could walk before I tried to run.. :)
  • Der Hollander
    Overall, I'd say it's a solid start. You've got the basic forms in, pretty solid topology (The face topo looks a little strange to me, but I can't really tell from the renders), you just need to push and massage the form. I'd probably suggest to make the arms a bit skinnier, just a tad, and push the bone landmarks a bit, get the elbows, knees, hips, callarbone, ribcage, all that good stuff in there.

    I definitely applaud you for taking the challenge of a realistic person, but I'd venture to say that the idealized proportions are likely a better starting point for character modeling in that it has everything that would generally tell us "Oh hey that's a lady". Unfortunately for artists, people have certain criteria they're looking for when looking at a figure, and if we don't see that straight away, we tend to think something's wrong, so getting those "realistic" proportions generally means taking a real thing and exaggerating it, even if just very slightly, to make a better visual sell.

    Take that for what it's worth, you've got a good start, keep plugging away at it.
  • millyparkes
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    millyparkes polycounter lvl 7
    Thanks :) I will take that on board and try and define some anatomical landmarks.. and maybe try out some different facial topology.

    This is how it is currently:

    Crit hugely appreciated on this !

    I agree with the concept that modelling an average realistic figure is difficult - every time I look at the model I feel her legs are too short, her waist is too big and her boobs are not big enough! :icon15: This is all part of the challenge, exaggerating and defining anatomy but doing so in an appropriately subtle way!

    Thanks again :)
  • Saman
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    Saman polycounter lvl 14
    I think you would be better off with a more ideal body. The one you've used looks good but if you're gonna follow that it's gonna come off like you're the one who's misjudged the proportions. Your topology looks fine at the moment but you should show your work without the wireframe. Do you know how to use zbrush? If so then export it to zbrush just to get the shapes right. You can always export the lowpoly body back to max/maya to fix topology and what not.
  • millyparkes
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    millyparkes polycounter lvl 7
    I made some adjustments to the base mesh due to the feedback received. So heres a sculpting post.. Just getting in the basic forms before I start going crazy with the details. Let me know if any of the proportions seem off :)

  • darthwilson
    something I can't put my finger to on the neck seems off..

    Her head is definitely off (especial the pointy top)

    Her feet look to big in proportion to the rest of the body but your in perspective mode so I may be wrong
  • millyparkes
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    millyparkes polycounter lvl 7
    Thanks Darth, Will take another look at those areas!
  • Snader
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    Snader polycounter lvl 15
    Arms too long, legs a pinch too short, feet too big. Neck too thin (both in X and Y direction), and there shouldn't be a dent between shoulders/neck but an upward slope ( http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trapezius_muscle ).
  • garriola83
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    garriola83 greentooth
    I hope you don't mind, but I made a paint over just to give you some notes. I hope it helps.
    Basically, you are missing forms. You have to identify the bone structure and the muscle first then add a person on top of it. I suggest looking up lots of references how how to sculpt traditionally and some terminology on key areas on sculpting a body in general.
    Good luck!
  • millyparkes
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    millyparkes polycounter lvl 7
    Thanks Snader! and Garriola - that's incredible, Thank you!!! :D
  • millyparkes
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    millyparkes polycounter lvl 7
    Any more feedback? much appreciated :)

    Oh and.. I haven't worked on the feet yet! I'm getting there.. :P

  • millyparkes
  • MainManiac
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    MainManiac polycounter lvl 11
    That hand looks amazing...

    Body is coming along well!
  • millyparkes
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    millyparkes polycounter lvl 7
    Thanks Frell :) Looking for some pointers as I feel like it's almost there but still a few areas which just aren't quite right!
  • GeorgeSeedhouse
    It's great seeing the progression like this, really shows off how you've learnt along the way. I am actually starting Body Modelling at University in my next semester so I can't really be much help feedback wise. Just felt the need to say, THOSE HANDS LOOK AMAZING!!:)
  • Shiniku
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    Shiniku polycounter lvl 14
    Looking good! Seems like you're responding to critique well and it's going great. I don't have anything too useful to say at the moment but I'll keep an eye on this thread.

    Looks like you have a real knack for hands and feet...
  • PyrZern
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    PyrZern polycounter lvl 12
    I think her feet are a bit too big, and maybe her legs are a bit too long (the below knee parts).
  • fantom
    First is always the hardest :) don't worry if results are not what you expect, Characters are very hard to make. But the more you work the better resoults you get, so keep going! Cheers!
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