Hi everyone I am currently working on a female character for a university project. If anyone could help with crits and suggestions on how to improve it this would be greatly appreciated. Here is a base mesh I have made, is there anything that will cause me problems in ZBrush? Or am I good to go?

I would suggest removing the strange geo -- any poles, any triangles, and elongated strips. Try for all quads, all the same size, so that everything is uniform when you divide. If you have to hide a couple triangles, try to hide them on top of the hand, in the flat space between your knuckles and your wrist.
Good luck.
ysalex, I can't figure out a way of creating even sized regular quads on the hands without getting rid of the spaces between the fingers which creates a nasty pole. Here's a closer look with a paintover to show the problem, mainly how the subdivision below the middle pole creates a diamond shaped quad.
Paintovers are welcome if it is easier to explain that way too.
Take a look at some anatomy pictures on google or this site;
I personally prefer to have lots of detail in my base mesh just since max is easy enough to do hi poly stuff and once you have the information there for the sculpt there is less to do at that stage and you get more bang for your buck when you subdivide it.
Just remember to have spacing between edge loops as even as you can get it and ignore the base mesh tri limit that's only for the retop mesh. I have seen people get confused with that before.
Here is a sculpt of the character, is there anything that looks weird/ can be improved/ I've missed out?
Any comments are appreciated, thanks.
[IMG]so yeah any thoughts and opinions from the polycount community is greatly appreciated
I'll do this one for you, but really this is something you can (should) do on your own. Honestly, this is something I am trying to force myself to do more and more.
The arms are a bit too short, the shoulders a bit too wide, and breasts too high, but overall not bad. Some of your shapes need work, though. Compare your model's arms to the real person's arms.
I like the fact you recognised the references chosen, that must mean it's getting there!