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how to make even the distribution of subdivision on a mesh in zbrush?

polycounter lvl 14
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NAIMA polycounter lvl 14
Hi I have a mesh that has an uneven distribution of the polygons in zbrush , ofc all quads but I reached the lev 7 in subdivision and I can0t go to 8 but I realized I needed more sub on another area of the mesh , going back and redo gfrom scratch is not an option , I tried dynamesh but that creates an "even" but messed borders on my mesh and seem to breack the overall shape and loops of the polygon flow I did ...

any other ways ?


  • passerby
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    passerby polycounter lvl 12
    remesh and project all, dynamesh, just model the thing in the first place with even quads?

    just think about the problem and im sure you can find other ways too.
  • cryrid
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    cryrid interpolator
    Remesh + Project All, or Dynamesh (with projection on); but those will totally change the topology.

    If you wanted to keep your existing flow, you could try dropping down a few subdivision levels, smooth and relax the surface a bit, and then try the Reproject Higher Subdiv button (Subtools Palette). If you absolutely need more geoemetry, then you could use the Edgeloops button, the Slice Curver Brush, or retopology (zsphere/external).

    You could also try splitting the mesh up in logical places in order to let you reach the mazimum poly limit on multiple subtools.
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    NAIMA polycounter lvl 14
    Its a long blade with maximum density on a side and minimal on the other I can't go over 7 subd , I tried use dynamesh but it messes up some borders and some carvings ,
  • cryrid
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    cryrid interpolator
    Use project + a high resolution if you plan on dynamesh to preserve everything. If you're using dynamesh to create a new unified base, use it on a duplicate subtool, disable dynamesh, subdivide, and then run Project All. Or try any of the other options.
  • sulz
    try using the "relax" slider under the deformations tab. it does a good job of unifying polys without distorting your sculpt.
  • metalliandy
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    metalliandy interpolator
    Is the blade a separate subtool? I wasnt really sure by the answer you gave cryrid.
    If not, it would be worth while spliting the mesh into polygroups and then into subtools as you can subd each subtool to the maximum polycount that your machine can handle.
    Another option would be to retopo the blade and re-project.

    Also using HD sculpting would work. You can sculpt with 000's of millions with that turned on :)
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    NAIMA polycounter lvl 14
    I dont know the hd sculpt what is? As for the dynamesh i m not sure if im doing the correct procedure as i get artefacts after resolidifing ... May be a step guide would help me find what i m doing wrong? As for subtools the blade is a different subtool but has possibility for furher ssplit couse of uvmapping splut byt I didnt do couse I fear would mess the borders more when splitting the polygroups on uv .... Thanks for all ur kind answers and forgive my bad phone typing ...
  • passerby
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    passerby polycounter lvl 12
    dyanmesh can olny recreate it with limited resoulation, what you can do is copy the subtool, dynamesh it, subdivided it a few times than do projects alls from the original to the new mesh to get more detail from the orgianl too the new one that has better typology.
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