Hey guys I'm switching back to maya from max. Last time I was using maya was back in 2008 and the only mel script that I used was mjpolytools. I was wondering if there were any new very uselful mel scripts(modeling/UVing) that I should get. For example in max "textools" is an amazing script that I can't live without.
http://www.funkybunnies3d.com/tools.php An awesome script for creating image plane planes and a few other goodies are here
These are the few i use the most others are just lingering
you can also find it on creative crash.. just do a search for Ninja Dojo on creative crash
***ALL CREDIT TO //Jeff Dobson 7/2/01 //jeffdobs@swbell.net
global proc detachSeparate()
string $nameSplitSkip[];
string $faceNum[];
string $temp[];
string $newObj[];
string $newFaceSel[];
string $origFaceSel[] = `filterExpand -ex 1 -sm 34`;
string $origObjShape[] = `listRelatives -p $origFaceSel`;
string $origObj[] = `listRelatives -p $origObjShape`;
//Get my selected face numbers into $faceNum
for ($step = 0, $skip = 0; $step < size($origFaceSel); $step++, $skip++)
tokenize $origFaceSel[$step] "." $temp;
$nameSplitSkip[$skip] = $temp[0];
$nameSplitSkip[$skip] = $temp[1];
clear $temp;
for ($step2 = 0, $skip2 = 1; $step2 < (size($nameSplitSkip)/2); $step2++, $skip2 = $skip2 + 2)
$faceNum[$step2] = $nameSplitSkip[$skip2]; //every other value
//Dupe original object
$newObj = `duplicate -un $origObj[0]`;
delete -ch $newObj[0];
string $newAllFaces[] = `ls ($newObj[0] + ".f[*]")`;
//Make new array for face selection on $newObj
for ($step3 = 0; $step3 < size($faceNum); $step3++)
$newFaceSel[$step3] = ($newObj[0] + "." + $faceNum[$step3]);
//Delete original face selection
delete $origFaceSel;
//Delete inverse face selection on duplicate
select -r $newAllFaces;
select -d $newFaceSel;
select -r $newObj[0];