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Photoshop CS5: Images are previewed brighter?

Hello Polycount,

I've been struggling with this problem for some time now. As already said in the title, for some reason my textures colors and brightness are way higher in photoshop. After saving/previewing it in a 3d application they are darker and have way better colors.

Thats a huge problem as you can see, because I can't texture correctly anymore. I guess this picture should explain it:


I'm using Photoshop CS5 BTW.

I remember I had the same problem with CS4, altough there was a option in photoshop's setting called "auto gamma correction", after I turned it off everything was fine. CS5 doesn't has this option. I already googled several times and I didnt found a solution. And I hope somebody from here can solve my problem.


  • cptSwing
    Offline / Send Message
    cptSwing polycounter lvl 11
    are you in a different color mode than RGB, maybe? there's a tricky keyboard shortcut i trigger accidentally quite a lot which toggles color modes.
  • murphy7
    After playing around with some color modes as suggested by my brother I managed to fix it. I changed the color settings to "Montior Colors Samsung Natural Pro" or something like that, and now all of the colors are correct.
  • AlecMoody
    Offline / Send Message
    AlecMoody ngon master
    This sounds like the result of comparing a color managed application (photoshop) to a non color managed application (whatever you are previewing with). Setting Photoshop to use your monitor color space is effectively disabling color management. What you are seeing in your 3d application (or in engine) is actually more wrong than what you see in photohop. Based on the images you posted it seems likely that you have a wide gamut monitor. If your photoshop is set up to render in your monitors color space you are essentially tailoring all of your content to appear correctly on your specific monitor which is using a non standardized/arbitrary color space. When someone with an sRGB gamut monitor views your content it will look like the washed out version in photoshop.

    If you have a wide gamut monitor there isn't really a good solution to this problem. I have heard that with ATI cards it is possible to force color rendering into srgb space with all applications but I haven't been able to test it. Wide gamut monitors are a huge pain in the ass and the problem is getting worse as the color spaces get larger.
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