I kept working on my halfling character, here's the latest screenshot:

the head (I updated the ear inbetween but it still needs some work)

I tried to focus on anatomy, so if you have any advice about that I'd be glad to hear it

I hope to startthe clothes this w-e
here's the previous image, posted in the what are you working on thread:

and my concept:

raise the pubic point a touch up (so the butt is lower than the pubis),
relax out the shoulder blades a lil
if u raise the hip at the rear, the glut med will giv her nice plane for the butt. which merges into the glut max.
and you know elfs need dat ass.
keep it up i wana see some crazy cool hot elf chick action in this thread.
comments welcome
Finally found some time to boost that puppy up, so here's my latest update:
Not sure about the tiny poison test tubes on her right hip though. I'm thinking about puting something with a more readable shape instead, any ideas?
as usual, crits welcome