Hi, i've been working for a while at this Uaz 469; there are still some baking problems here and there(and hood clipping), but for the most part i think this is it.
I'll do like 2 versions for the final pics, car hood on and off.Oh and my uv layout is kinda crowded.
Tell me what you think and i'll post some more after i start texturing.
ps:there' a seam on the chair, i forgot to modify the smoothing groups.
4k texture for most of the car
2k texture for hood, tyre, axe, jerrycan
19K tris for car except tyres hood and axe
about 21k with those

Some more pics, as i realised you can't see much of the whole car.
Also, if you want to use it in a game, Id put more edges on the steering wheel, and I would also definitely consider taking the fabric cover into zbrush and sculpting some cloth. Done well it would look awesome......
Good quality draws people to look more, and even if we all know that it's probably too much to have in an actual game, we still know that a good texture will still look good when down sized and a shitty texture will still look shitty what ever texture size you may use.
Agree, the post process in toolbag makes it loose contrast and add that purple red tint, I think it would be nice without it.
Other than that looks like you have done a good job, bake looks really clean, the seam on the seat I don't think anyone will notice.
Did you bake out a AO for this?
Cause I am thinking it lacks some contact shadows noticed it under the cloth for once.
Keep on going
Again, don't be using the 'polaroid' preset in Marmoset, it's like an assault on the eyes. The 'sunlight' sky preset would probably be best as it would match the model, geographically and all that.
Some AO would also help to add depth to the interior, the footwell in particular looks strange lit up like it is now.
Also, you might consider making a small pedestal for it. Perching it on some rough terrain at an angle would make it much more interesting to look at. Rocks, lots of rocks.
Sorry for taking so long, i was uhm... a bit busy with other model.
Good eye i guess, i didn't baked with the cloth since the without version would have had those shadows and i wasn't even sure at that time if i will even use the cloth.
Looks great btw