If you'd like, feel free to checkout my deviantart account for some older stuff. Always enjoyable to see one's progress. http://veritasx5.deviantart.com/
This is a 50 minute sketch I did a few month ago, after I started to apply the teachings of Feng Zhu.
A 45. min quick sketch. I'll prolly move this to the scrapbook later.
Some things that I feel are successful: composition, color, value, and lighting.
Somethings I need to work on: level of detail, clearly defined objects/tighter shapes.
I'm having difficulty in achieving high details/finished look in a short amount of time. Any tips would be helpful!
The environment in the first image with the woman lacks sense of size. I can't really interpret what's going on. Is it a large room or a small one? what's going on with the wall to the right? It looks like you started putting in some details but then left it undone. You could have used that to put in some shapes that are recognizable by most people, perhaps some stairs (if it's a large room), door openings or even some animals. If it's the inside of a large temple I bet there would be some lizards or birds nesting there. Anyway, my point is, if you get something that the viewer recognizes in the background then the size of that shape would be used for reference as to what scale this environment is in. You pulled it of nicely in the second image by placing two humanoids in the foreground.
I think you've got some nice colors, lighting and perspective going on but as you said, more detail would be nice.
Darkleopard It's funny you should mention Feng Zhu: the recommendation that you just gave me is the one I've been giving to everyone else!
Yah, I consider this guy my "digital mentor" if you would. Glad to know there are others out there who love his work! Thanks!
oskarreftel I agree. Some sort of indicator might be nice to capture the size of the room. I was hoping that the worms eye view would be enough, but I really think that for future note, that having a marker for height is a good idea. Thanks!
This is the first Environment Sketch for "Restaurant Prison!", a personal project of mine.
It's based off my experiences from when I went cruising to Alaska.
The feeling I wanted to get across what that the town is very cloudy, cold, and gray, yet connected to nature.
The three main elements I wanted to stand out are:
1. The large concrete pillar.
2. The restaurant (the namesake of the story) which is connected by a walkway bridge.
3. And the massive broken overpass.
An hour and a half sketch with 2nd pass for clean up and a color layer. I've gotten some good feedback from this one, like the umbrella handle, for example, isn't fully in her grip. Very happy with the line weight.
For a small game project. I used a combination of Max and PS to pull this off.
In max, I rendered out an AO pass and a line pass. After that, composited in PS and painted over it.
The concept is, in a very futuristic Japan, Vocaloid is the mascot of a bar that gives out Cosmopolitans and Liquid Cocaine Shots. She appears on the hologram and cheers you on as you get wasted. Too Japanese...?
Those are some sweet environment pieces! I like the look of them a lot? Do you overlay textures and paint over them? They definitely have a sort of textured feel (I like it). Look forward to seeing more.
I do, especially after I finish painting the diffuse color layer. Thanks for the complement! I'll keep working at it.
I don't usually draw really hot chicks, but when I do, I go all out.
I swear, if I don't finish this one I'm cutting off my hand.
Like I mentioned in the sketch thread, I'm attempting to figure out a background from a super mario game. any suggestions?
02-28-2012 07:57 AM
I really do enjoy this particular one because it does demonstrate that you can do a variety of different concpets and colour schemes as supposed to everything else. I just have one question that is really bugging me, whats the middle structure off in the distance upon the broken off cliff side?
Did this piece last night for our game, Amoeba. It's an illustration for one potential boss for an ice world. Took about... two hours, and it was really fun to do because it flowed so well.
This is a 50 minute sketch I did a few month ago, after I started to apply the teachings of Feng Zhu.
Some things that I feel are successful: composition, color, value, and lighting.
Somethings I need to work on: level of detail, clearly defined objects/tighter shapes.
I'm having difficulty in achieving high details/finished look in a short amount of time. Any tips would be helpful!
Just remember all things take time. You'll get faster with more practice but getting a super detailed scene will always take time.
This guy has some really interesting tutorials/processes. Just find the enviroment ones and check em out. http://www.youtube.com/user/FZDSCHOOL
Hope it helps! Keep up the good work
I think you've got some nice colors, lighting and perspective going on but as you said, more detail would be nice.
Yah, I consider this guy my "digital mentor" if you would. Glad to know there are others out there who love his work! Thanks!
oskarreftel I agree. Some sort of indicator might be nice to capture the size of the room. I was hoping that the worms eye view would be enough, but I really think that for future note, that having a marker for height is a good idea. Thanks!
It's based off my experiences from when I went cruising to Alaska.
The feeling I wanted to get across what that the town is very cloudy, cold, and gray, yet connected to nature.
The three main elements I wanted to stand out are:
1. The large concrete pillar.
2. The restaurant (the namesake of the story) which is connected by a walkway bridge.
3. And the massive broken overpass.
the area already looks like it could make an appealing game environment.
In max, I rendered out an AO pass and a line pass. After that, composited in PS and painted over it.
The concept is, in a very futuristic Japan, Vocaloid is the mascot of a bar that gives out Cosmopolitans and Liquid Cocaine Shots. She appears on the hologram and cheers you on as you get wasted. Too Japanese...?
I do, especially after I finish painting the diffuse color layer. Thanks for the complement! I'll keep working at it.
I swear, if I don't finish this one I'm cutting off my hand.
Like I mentioned in the sketch thread, I'm attempting to figure out a background from a super mario game. any suggestions?
I really do enjoy this particular one because it does demonstrate that you can do a variety of different concpets and colour schemes as supposed to everything else. I just have one question that is really bugging me, whats the middle structure off in the distance upon the broken off cliff side?
My gf's being evil as always.
Hour and a half practice sketch for today. Going for something a little more surreal/fantasy. Learned a decent amount about detailing and stroke work.
Did this piece last night for our game, Amoeba. It's an illustration for one potential boss for an ice world. Took about... two hours, and it was really fun to do because it flowed so well.
Btw, we've got a kickstarter going on right now, and we JUST broke the thousand dollar mark!! Check it out, and let me know what you think!
So I’m following through with my commitment to draw more hot girls.
Since I need to do some catching up, here's a collection of stuff I've worked on over the past year.
Keep it comin!
40 minute environment sketch.
40 minute quick sketch. My attempt to rectify line art with painting overlay. Let me know what you think!
Messing around with manga studio 5. Decided to turn my girlfriend into a shadow version of herself.