Hello everyone.
I have finally decided to post something after lurking this site off and on for the past few months.
I've been working on the Space Jockey from Ridley Scott's Alien.

I still have a long way to go. After I'm done with the high poly model, I'll start working on the low poly version.
If you'd like to critique or make any suggestions, I would greatly appreciate it.
Good start to an iconic setpiece!
right now yours is round, maybe too round, Pull it back some.
Even if you're not going for the longer style it still seeds to go further back,
round but slightly going backwards:
long face / bulging backwards:
look at human heads too, they go back further than you expect.
also put up some ref. pics for people to compare to.
Here's a before and after:
These are the references I'm using mostly:
Go crazy with textures, it has so much potential...
As far as Giger's painting go, these phallic shapes are pretty subtle in comparison to most.
You should do the entire scene, would look awesome in Cryengine or something!
Ha, I was wondering when the comments about it looking like a phallus would start coming in.
PogoP - I do plan on making the whole scene somewhere down the line and bring into UDK.
lloyd - Yep, small change, but makes a big difference.
Ack Master - Ha, yeah. My brother showed me the Prometheus trailer and I got so hyped that I had to make the Space Jockey scene from Alien.
Anyway, plan on working on this some more this week once I've got the time. Hopefully, I'll be able to post an update later this week.
I'm working on the chair as well in ZBrush. Retopologizing parts and refining the shapes more. First, I'll have to reinstall ZBrush and reactivate it after I have Pixologic deactivate it since I never got to...
I never really created any hard surface objects in ZBrush before, so creating the back chair part was good practice.
I'm going to try and wrap it up on the high poly model so I can start the low poly version. I'll see how that goes. Too many things going on right now.
Now that Prometheus is getting closer to release Im sure your excited to get it done!
StevenEgan - I almost forgot about the busted ribcage. Thanks for reminding me.
Here's another render from UDK:
I think I may have gone overboard on how detailed I want the low poly model to be. I'm making the model into 3 separate parts with their own diffuse, normal, and specular map. I have the diffuse and normal at 2048x2048 and the specular map at 1024x1024.
The finished model is probably going to be around 30k.
Is that a little too much for a model like this?
Looking great, anyway.
Here's more screenshots of the model near completion.
Good bake tho, and nice high poly too
I'll play around with material editor to give the jockey a more slimy look. Shouldn't be too hard.
This is looking great so far.
ScoobyDoofus - Yeah, I'm going to keep working on the texture. For now, I'm just going to take a shot break. I feel like I've been neglecting my modeling sessions for a while now.
Here some updates on the model's textures. I'm mainly using Giger's painting as a reference now.
Unlit with just the diffuse:
Diffuse texture sheets:
There's honestly no logical explanation for edge wear.
Adding grime, dirt and rust isn't just "MAEK IT NEXT GENZORZ!", it adds character, and also lets your eyes easily pick out features you might usually miss.
ATM, I would be far more concerned with how the spec looks, rather than the edges.
oxidated metal of some sort.Lots of hues of dark blue grey blue etc in the spec.The floor looks like a mess verry rusty and contrasting specular.I'm with odium here, his advice sounds good.
Making something shine isn't only about making the rest look aged. Variety of colours offers a better alternative, in my opinion. And standing out of the trend is a great way to discover and learn.
Anyway, talking about the jockey, yeah, I would work the specular map a lot. You should play with a gloss map too, and lower the specular ammount.
respawnrt - That is a good ref for me to work with. This is one that I really overlooked. Thanks.