Hi I'm currently working on a project for my Uni where we have been told to:
import into the UDK
to apply animations
... to a dinosaur.
So I chose the Ankylosaurus.
Here is my 3D base-mesh to give you an idea of what I'm thinking about:

And here is the ZBrush progress on each of the assets:
The front legs have already been splayed in the model to make the modeling and eventual rigging easier. So they will look shorter than the back.

At the moment I think these are all too high poly to get in one ZTL file but I'll give it a go soon to see how it goes.
I was just wondering if anyone had any ideas of how to improve and also extra things that could be done.
@ littleclaude, could you ellaborate on going back to the base mesh? I am going to export the sculpt and do a retop because the model is eventually going in engine.
Thanks again.
Here is a un-masked skin shaded view:
Any advice from everyone would be great thanks.
Hey guys here's the polypaint work completed so far I know there's a long way to go yet but I want to hand paint all the textures.
Here's the dino with spikes and all:
I know the the back spikes are way too yellow and over saturated for the rest of the color scheme of the model. This will just be simple fix though.
I've been told it all looks a bit too safe and that I should try to throw in a splash of adventurous color... I'm thinking I might do this with the war paint or something.
Here are the armourments that are going to be draped over the dino like in the original block out:
I know i need to work on things like the golden helm adding detail etc, this will all be done in Photoshop after the retop and the unwrap.
Thanks for looking guys.
Keep it up and it looks pretty cool
@A.Mehroke - Good progress!
Two things I would advice trying before you continue..
1 - Check that you can project your polypaint onto the low poly mesh/diffuse map
2 - Check your diffuse map in your targeted engine (UDK as you said). The outcome in polypaint will look a lot different in UE3.
You can mention this testing in your university report and it'll get you some marks!
hope that helps
Yes it's Staffordshire, its really good for this I think. I love the course.
And yeah I'm creating the base mesh for everything at the moment should be done with in a few days and then I can unwrap them and project and get it in engine as you said.
But thank-you for reminding me because I often forget that stage and do loose out because of it, so that helps a lot.
For this project I'm working to a 12,000 Tri limit so any modifications I make will have to be under 500 Tris because I'm currently on about 11,500.
There are a few seam stretching problems on the inside of the legs where they join the torso and the alphas don't have an alpha mask applied so they are squares of brown. But this is just to see how the diffuse is looking before the import into unreal to see how it looks in engine.
At the moment my main issue with the model is the top arches look very straight and boxy which throws it all off a bit. I think I have enough to smooth them out a little bit which I think will definitely improve the flow of around that top section.
But let me know what you guys think.
I did forget to check Two Sided in the material and haven't applied the opacity maps yet but I'm sure that'll get pointed out.
But this is my first try at hand painted textures. None of the textures are photo-referenced and they have all been created by me in CS5.
So here's a few on the images, let me know what you guys think it needs.
Yay a Roof!
No Specular, No normal
Oh by the way, I also go to Staffs Uni!
Looking good, are you planning on animating the box to sway as the dinosaur is walking? wood just add a nice touch to the final asset.
Here is the progress so far in engine:
Now I need to rig it and animate it.
A few extras that could be added would be things like charms and ornaments to be hung off parts of the equipment etc. Just more dangley bits.
But let me know what you guys think.