This probably falls under the category of stupid threads I can't believe I'm writing, but I'm tired of fighting my workspace at home. It's cramped, messy, and uncomfortable, especially because I'm running dual 23" monitors. I'd like to have room for reference books, a tablet, an of course my mouse and keyboard. I feel like I'm fighting against nature or something just trying to get organized and comfortable. It's seriously cramping my style and I can't take it anymore.
I know something like this isn't something typically on an an artists mind while we work, but all those fancy computer builds or tablet recommendations found on Polycount mean nothing if you can't work comfortably or concentrate.
I have a decent chair, but right now I feel like I'm haunched over half the time to see my monitors. I think half the problem with this is that my chair can't fit under my desk (it's kind of low and the legs are close together) and I can't scoot under it.
So have you guys had success with a certain desk? Any good stores or websites? I think I'm looking for something more metal and modern. I want to avoid wood.
It's such a neglected aspect of our work, so I imagine more than half of us are using something small or improvised. I think at one point in college, I was using two folding dinner tray's as desk extensions. Lol.
EDIT: This isn't half bad actually. +1 for the little animation too. Fun.
i've got dual 23's with an av tuner on the side and plenty of room for work.
keep your desk clean, any unnecessary or rarely used tools off to the side.
i dont use my tablet much so i keep that sitting on my tower and a scanner that i maybe use twice a year now packed up in its box that i bring out when needed.
this is what i use
(only the unit on the left, not the entire L shape)
Now, I've got two of these (wider versions) next to each other:
They easily hold my two 24 inch screens, A4 Wacom, keyboard, lamps, speakers, two laptops, printer, sketchpad, NAS drive, and my 49 key midi keyboard, and still give me plenty of space for books and other stuff like that.
My next purchase will be some kind of arm/frame to hold my screens off've my desk. Not really to give me more room, but so I can have more stuff where I'm sitting, to keep it a bit more centralised.
About last summer i was using a kitchen table as a Desk it was cold and missing a leg, collected a lot of dust and i had to use a lawn chair because i didn't have a spinny one
2 years I suffered with that crap, until one faithful day Im taking a stroll to a friends house and i see my neighbors Sitting there desk and chair outside, It was about to rain and it was a perfectly new set!. long story short i stole it and eventually found an office chair a few weeks ago the office chair was to large for the desk to I Improvised
It may look unsafe but ....
Anyway my suggestion (Random site) My friend has this and its perfect except the glass Top
$20 off of eBay, black steel frame with glass tops.
I bought my current desk from them. This is it:
It looks spacious, but I've had to make some mods to get my monitors on there. Plus, like I said, my chair doesn't fit underneath the keyboard tray, and that's even with tearing the drawer out too.
Lol, that's about as low budget as it get's, right above just working on the floor
I like that desk, it's pretty simple. Too bad it's from the UK though. I imagine I could find something similar, but I can't seem to keep my eyes off that one I put in my original post... it's a beaut.
@MadnessImport: See, I would feel cramped and unproductive in a space like that. Good steal though. Can't complain if you got it for free, right? I would probably be leaning forward a lot too with something like your setup. It doesn't look like you can get your chair in. Same with me.
@Snowfly: Wow, nice! $20 is a steal for something like that! Looks like some good leg room and the monitors are level to the head while sitting proper. It's like, I'm either leaned way forward, or way back. My middle/upper back just can't seem to catch a break.
Anyone use any ergonomic/funky chairs? One of the VP's at my office has this chair that looks like he's straddling a horse, but he swears it's the most comfortable thing he sits in.
I think I'm going to jump on that Versa Center one! So exited to actually start working in comfort again!
I've been using this desk for going on 7 years now and it's no worse for wear. I love the space it provides.
The downside might be that it's not extremely great looking, but you've got tons of nice space.
::EDIT:: My "desk". Will be getting a real one with a chair soon.
Absolutely. But, honestly, it was a solid, spacious desk and the only difference between that and the desks I have now is I've got a metal frame holding it up, rather than a make-shift bit of McGuyvering.
I'd highly recommend buying a cheap, plain door for a desk surface, to anyone. Worked like gangbusters
I enjoy working while standing, and if I don't feel like standing (although I'm used to it at this point) I have a stool that I can sit on. As for space to put things, it's a bureau so I can use the other drawers to put miscellaneous things for access right in front of me. I have the bureau pushed up against the wall and an L desk that starts on the right and then wraps around where I stand, giving me a pocket to work in and functioning as space if I need a place to put things or to do something desky (like writing or eating).
It's a really simple design, yet effective.
I recently added the ability to pull the monitor group towards me.
I'll have it when I'm out of my tiny flat and in a house.
Post a vid if you do
There's a thread where people post pictures of their workspaces on CGTalk, have a look at that, maybe you'll get some ideas?
Here's what I use and I'm quite happy with it
Don't mind the chaos
Dirt cheap, lots of space, adjustable height. Long live ikea!
well, i wanted to make mine from scratch, too, but i found a really big table at ikea (i was able to choose between different parts and later could put them together as i wanted).
no pics though
@Gestalt: There's someone in my department that has a standing desk. I'm interesting in learning more about this... first question, so let me get this straight, you enjoy standing? Why? I'm not trying to be a jerk, I seriously want to know what's to enjoy about it. Does it keep you awake? Focused? I think for me I would be too conscience of my weight shifting around all the time that it would just get maddening.
I hear there's some great benefits to standing though. I've read some articles on the health impact of sitting all day. I can't seem to find the article I really liked, but I did find these two:
Other than that I've always preferred to stand when doing art, it used to be because it let me regularly take a step back to see things together, but now I just seem to prefer it (it sort of helps me concentrate and engage I guess, and it's freeing). When I need to think over a problem I tend to pace, and since I'm standing it's a lot easier and more natural to do. Standing generally gives me more flexibility over positioning too, I take up much less space and have much more control and freedom over how close I am and what I'm centered on; I don't get that feeling of being 'stuck' or poorly placed and uncomfortable like I'd often get in a chair.
There are some obvious caveats, it takes a while to get used to standing so much, especially if you aren't normally too active (I was pretty active before I started but it was still a pretty big change and it took a solid two weeks before I adjusted). Even still I have a stool that I can sit on if I don't want to stand or if I'd like a break. I usually walk about every hour or two, I have a reminder that goes off every two hours, and I usually get a drink and sit down for a bit.
My legs were incredibly sore when I started, it really wasn't fun, and I lost the feeling in both of my large toes (apparently the layout of the nerves in some people's feet can lead to this). I only started about three month ago, so I can't comment on things in the long term, but generally I like it, and still if I ever feel like sitting I can always sit (I just don't default to sitting all the time).
It takes time to get used to, for sure, but I don't think my shoulder/back would have survived another year sitting in a chair. This has helped me out a lot with my RSI problems and I'm getting stronger as a bonus.
It does tend to help me stay focused. If I'm standing, I'm engaged, which means I'm far less likely to stare out a window and zone out like I would do when seated.
It'll be interesting to see how this turns out. I've been doing it for a few months now and I'm liking it well enough. If I get used to it and it becomes as comfortable as a chair, I wonder if old habits will creep back in and I'll have to up the ante again to ... I dunno, a tread mill or something. :P
EDIT : OH! One thing that will really help if you try this is get a little foot stool that you can put one foot up on while standing. This takes a lot of pressure off of your back and makes standing a lot easier. This is why saloons in the old west always had that bar at the bottom of the, well, bar. Resting one foot up is way more comfortable.
I guess it's just preference, but I personally cannot stand having anything "in the way", like cables where my feet are, some weird thing hitting my knees, and so on. I even had to have my desk modified at the office because the vertical pole holding it in the middle was preventing me to freely extend my legs
Anyone has a good, cheap recommendation for a standing desk btw ? I've always been thinking of getting one, but the closest I've ever been is the ergotron arm with a keyboard stand. It's okay for browsing and typing, but it messes up muscles memory way too much when it comes to 3D or photoshop ...
Stradigos : the one advice I would give is to audit your chair too. Somehow we are all led to believe that a swivel chair with super confortable pads and crazy adjustments knobs is the way to go ... but I personally think it's BS. The body is made to be reactive and dynamic, not to be cushionned, compressed, and swiveled around
It's worth trying! Nothing to loose really
I actually cut down down the floor supports so they don't come so close to the front of the desk. Also, now that the monitors can be moved several feet forward it isn't an issue. As far as the tray goes- that thing has made a bigger difference in my comfort than anything else. It's height and angle adjustable so I can get the work surface wherever I need it as I move/change posture during the day.
@WarrenMarshell: That’s kind of where I feel I am. I’m only 22 and I already feel like my chair is giving me a slow death. I have my whole career ahead of me, and I’m no good to anyone if I cripple myself… by working at a desk, lol. Not sure if I could use a treadmill while working like this… I’m afraid if I get too deep in thought about something, I’ll forget to walk, especially during programming sessions. Thanks for the tip about the one leg thing. Wouldn’t that throw your hips out of rotation after a while or no?
@Pior: Oh I know, I can’t stand that either. My cube at work is like that… I kick my cube mates wall at least a few times a day. I end up sitting sideways just to kick my legs out. As far as the chair thing goes, I see your point. I think I’ll make that change once I get a bar stool for my soon-to-be standing desk at home. My chair at work is so comfy it slows my heart rate down so much that I nod off a little in the morning. Not okay.
@AlecMoody: Geesh. I feel like this is the next step for you:
Good thing those things aren't motorized. I would be afraid of monitors clapping me in the face when I don't work hard enough. That's pretty damn cool though. Where did you get the parts?
Here's some reference I've accumulated:
ha, nice one. I never thought of that. I have the perfect old little coffee table in my attic for this!
My shelves sticking out above my desk mean that I don't have room for my keyboard. Don't think I could use a standing desk regularly, although it was quite refreshing. Here's my even more ghetto attempt from last year, in student housing: