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Oddworld Abe's Oddysee screen Re-make

Hey polycount, To get better at environment art I spent the past few months doing different environment workflows (photographic textures, hand painted normals, normals from zbrush, tiling textures, decal work etc) this has all culminated in doing a whole scene. I started in mid jan and set a deadline of the 8th of feb (my birthday)

I didn't work on this daily, at times I didn't touch it for a few days. so overall it would be about a week and a half to 2 weeks spent.

I studied the different environments that Abe's Oddysee has to offer and decided to pick an inside environment found in the Paramonian temple. The reason I chose this screen is because it's nothing special, it is just one of many screens. it also has the different elements I want to work on, zbrush sculpts, repeating textures and reusing assets.

After looking through different screen in this section I identified where objects are reused and how they would then need to be built to fit that propose.

so here we go, you can see it on my site at www.wireframebox.com/odd











I also modeled the next 2 screen above the first one but my goal wasn't to finish this for the deadline, so here they are in a semi-finished state (no decals / not finished large spikes)

I didn't bring this to PC for crits while I was working on it but I am happy for you to rip it apart now.

I can see issues I would address with more time and am still considering going back to it and doing more of the level (see above picture)
so I will take on board what you guys suggest!

Thanks Polycount.



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