Hey polycount, To get better at environment art I spent the past few months doing different environment workflows (photographic textures, hand painted normals, normals from zbrush, tiling textures, decal work etc) this has all culminated in doing a whole scene. I started in mid jan and set a deadline of the 8th of feb (my birthday)
I didn't work on this daily, at times I didn't touch it for a few days. so overall it would be about a week and a half to 2 weeks spent.
I studied the different environments that Abe's Oddysee has to offer and decided to pick an inside environment found in the Paramonian temple. The reason I chose this screen is because it's nothing special, it is just one of many screens. it also has the different elements I want to work on, zbrush sculpts, repeating textures and reusing assets.
After looking through different screen in this section I identified where objects are reused and how they would then need to be built to fit that propose.
so here we go, you can see it on my site at
I didn't bring this to PC for crits while I was working on it but I am happy for you to rip it apart now.
I can see issues I would address with more time and am still considering going back to it and doing more of the level (see above picture)
so I will take on board what you guys suggest!
Thanks Polycount.
Anyway, this is great, Good job on this
anyone else got any crits?
crits? I think that the main element that could be improved is color. Lighting, post processing, maybe little material tweaking. For example - notice the color of shadows in original screenshot. Its moved into blue-green color. Rock material could be more desaturated on the part with those holes.
Models and textures are quite accurate to the original, well done.