Hey people! This here's the final (sort of) project of the last semester of my college program (amazing!). In case you haven't read the thread title: it's an ice tomb. But not just any ice tomb. It's an ice tomb with giant fuck-off ice crystals all over the dang place! Ok, so maybe that's what every ice tomb ever conceived has, but shut up. Also, I know these aforementioned ice crystals are conspicuously absent from all pics below, but trust me, they'll be there.
Understand that these shots are all extremely wip right now

Here's a quick & dirty paintover that I did of that last one to give you a better idea of what I'm aiming for:

Also, zbrush pillars:

Anyways, I think its going to turn out pretty cool, but if you have any cold-hearted crits to give me, don't freeze up! I promise to be chill about them (and eventually thaw your perception of this project). It was ice of you to drop by!

Orangeknight: blah I know. thanks though.
I totally agree about the similarities towards skyrim and uncharted. Both have been pretty big sources of inspiration for me on this project. However, there's (obviously) a difference between inspiration and derivation, and I'm starting to feel maybe this is leaning towards the latter, which is something I definitely don't want. To be honest, this project hasn't really "clicked" for me yet and I sort of feel like I'm spinning my wheels on it. But whatever, I'm sure I'll figure something out.
I'm loving the idea and the paintover looks wonderful.
The first thing I thought of was Uncharted, but then again I think of Uncharted when I look at most things...
(Even this screenshot).
If you check out the screeny from above, you'll notice that the scene is fairly saturated, with some strong aqua-blues in the environment colour, tinting the shadows.
With snow and ice everywhere, light is being bounced all over the shop and as a result, there are rarely any truly dark areas - just dark-er areas. Try brightening the fog colour and changing the Environment Colour in the World Properties (and Shadow Colour in your lights if you need) to try and get a brighter effect.
Apart from that, there isn't really anything to critique on!
Also, thanks for the crit. I know its kinda dark right now and etc, but the lighting is still very wip and I haven't touched any post-process stuff (except maybe the fog if that counts). But I will look into lightening that fog up abit and maybe saving the blue for post processing.
update! I've just started adding the (blockin) ice crystals so expect a butt-ton more of those. There's also snow now (of which I will also being adding one more butt-ton). And if you find yourself starting to question why there is even snow in an underground tomb in the first place: stop! Because you see, this is a Magic tomb, and with Magic, "Anything Is Possible" ®
Inspirational Video
I'm not sure if you're referring to me, but if you are, don't worry man. More updates are coming! I just don't want to inundate the thread with a million little updates. Instead I'm trying to keep the updates to larger milestones. Unfortunately, I've been busy with other projects as well, so progress has been a bit slow. I probably will have something for tomorrow though!
Don't worry, I was just playing along with your post above
Can't wait for the next iteration.
Regardless, there was something else I was gonna post. What was it? Oh yeah, I remember now BOOM *slams update down onto table*
I've started to rework the lighting (but I think that right now its even darker than it was before). I also gave in and added some quick colour grading (ie no pp chain yet) just because I love colour grading. Other than that, I still have some major sections that I've been seriously neglecting, like for example the entire outside part:
In reparation for not posting any updates for a while, have this weird smiley man with hands for hands and hands for feet:
As for the tomb, it's considerably more "done" I'd say than the last update, but it's not 100%! Also, I suppose, it's not really tomb anymore as much as it's a.. throne-room? You can still call it a tomb I guess; it's your pejorative.