Hey, it's hard to say, but this is my first "real" environment in UDK (not some props), and I would like to share the progress of what's going on. Actually my first try was in Unity, but I can't get that lighting to work nicely as UDK, so I've switch.
The real goal is to finish a townhome inspired by Artyom Vlaskin (concepter/environment artist) in UDK and whole textures done with ONLY zbrush (photoshop just for post)
This is WIP, lots to do still (lots of stretched uvs, modeling details, blend shaders and background), but I would still like to know everybody's comments. Right now just trying to get a look and feel for the scene.
Sorry to let the other steps go. I can probably show them later.
Here's some shots:

Some quick critiques. The chimney looks pretty rough but judging by the detail in the rest of the house it's just a placeholder. The placement of some of the stones in the stone texture looks kind of unnatural in spots too, like you just jammed some larger stones on top of a few others instead fitting them together like most of the texture is.
Do you plan to flesh out the area around the house too? I could picture it being a lonely manor on top of a hill in a decayed forest, maybe with a few small structures like a well or a shed to the side.
The only thing is the wood looks a tad shinny for how worn down the house is. Wood is only that shinny in the rain, or if it is being maintained by somebody.
Regardless, killer work!
Bardler - true man, will fix it. THanks!
seir - thanks man! Makes me inspired to do more and more.
passerby - thanks mate!
crazyfingers - thanks for the comments man, as for the color spec: for sure, will add those. as for the decals, I would rather not use decals, I will be using depth blending shaders for this kind of variation, more to come soon! Thanks again!
For the window texture I feel you could give the little beams a harder edge - right now they are looking a bit too soft. If the in-betweens are supposed to be glass they will definitely need a harder spec.
Anyways, looking great so far!
because your door is too big is just like a town door scale . a really big door , is i'm true you should,
scale your brick texture to get the scale that you want
good luck
edit: one thing you are right, I might have to scale the bricks size. Looks gigantic.
looks the business, keep it up.
However, I don't think you need tesselation on the roof because I think you can easily add some sillhouete manually, making it cheaper.
Looking good so far!
Disting and Alberto - agreed, doesn't seem to be worth it for sure. Thanks!
It works well on jagged rocks, I suppose, but everywhere else can be done better with a good silhouette and inventive materials.
Loving the scene so far though, @bugo! Keep up the awesome work!
I've changed the concrete texture for the bricks blending.