Now that I have your attention with the title.
The point of this thread is to showcase the artistry of real time artists out side of character and environment and highlight areas that don't get talked about so much such as Particle Effects artists and so on. Assets
I dont see the point of this thread at all. Why not just post them into the big thread with all the other "inspirational" artists folios? Do we really need your opinion on what/who is the best and then people squabbling over who is better based on personal preferences? Seems like a pointless thread that will just lead to a bunch of who cares drama.
I would place Tetsuya Nomura at Nr.1 for Character but he doesn't have a homepage so i can't really find anything of his works other than what he did as Character Designer for Square.
You can rank your favorites within your own post in that thread, there is no "best" artist, its all matter of opinion and what limits they are working with.
Damn, and here I was thinking I was pretty arrogant when I told a girl my cock was like a baby.
Also, 2012? Seriously? We're barely in the second month, let alone you work in advertisement? For cars? Or Maybe Autodesk or something?
But seriously, this is based upon your opinion, and the worst part, I'm not even sure you filled out a criteria. How exactly do you categorize who is best on assets? What about Low-Poly artists or concept sculptors? Which one has more weight, texture or model? Do you take into consideration post-process work and shaders? Etc...
My point is that if I wanted to watch a Top X of something, I would fucking watch Hollywood and the Oscars. last thing I need is artist muscles grunting and acting, trying to act like top models.
Are there any, Particle Effects, Cut Scene/Layout, Technical Artist or Animatiors out there that would like to stand up against this tsunami of oppression from poly baking elitists
I don't think polycount is a place for pointless toplists.
If you feel concept artists and animators and vfx guys are under-represented in the other thread, post them in the other thread!
The resistance you're facing here isn't because you're some sort of minority martyr against the tyranical forces of the polybaking elite. It's because you made a pretentious thread where you attempted to rank people according to your self-proclaimed artistic authority.
I don't think polycount is a place for pointless toplists.
If you feel concept artists and animators and vfx guys are under-represented in the other thread, post them in the other thread!
The resistance you're facing here isn't because you're some sort of minority martyr against the tyranical forces of the polybaking elite. It's because you made a pretentious thread where you attempted to rank people according to your self-proclaimed artistic authority.
Okay point taken, I will post on that thread and see if anyone knows of any good real time Particle Effects, Concept Art, Animators, Cut Scene/Layout or Technical Artist and see what results I get, I will be back :poly124:
I leave you all with the best showreel in the world, FACT
I feel like you should add this to your title.
100% littleclaude's option based post.
I feel like this thread will just turn into a flame war between opinions.
P.S. You can't really say these are the top artists in the WORLD of 2012. Maybe the top artists you know about, but that's about it.
Jim Christopher???
Particle Effects
Cut Scene/Layout
Technical Artist
Cat pic!
I started this recently, it never got popular, and there's also that awesome portfolios thread.
Because all those threads cover is thousands of Character and Environment Artists, it would be great to see the following.
Jim Christopher???
Particle Effects
Cut Scene/Layout
Technical Artist
What we would like to see is
Particle Effects
Cut Scene/Layout
Technical Artist
haha! very good
Also, 2012? Seriously? We're barely in the second month, let alone you work in advertisement? For cars? Or Maybe Autodesk or something?
But seriously, this is based upon your opinion, and the worst part, I'm not even sure you filled out a criteria. How exactly do you categorize who is best on assets? What about Low-Poly artists or concept sculptors? Which one has more weight, texture or model? Do you take into consideration post-process work and shaders? Etc...
My point is that if I wanted to watch a Top X of something, I would fucking watch Hollywood and the Oscars. last thing I need is artist muscles grunting and acting, trying to act like top models.
This just seems incredibly out of touch with what Polycount is all about.
I see, so do you all feel on polycount there is no place for the following real time skills?
Cut Scene/Layout
Technical Artist
Concept Art
Particle Effects
If you feel concept artists and animators and vfx guys are under-represented in the other thread, post them in the other thread!
The resistance you're facing here isn't because you're some sort of minority martyr against the tyranical forces of the polybaking elite. It's because you made a pretentious thread where you attempted to rank people according to your self-proclaimed artistic authority.
Okay point taken, I will post on that thread and see if anyone knows of any good real time Particle Effects, Concept Art, Animators, Cut Scene/Layout or Technical Artist and see what results I get, I will be back :poly124:
I leave you all with the best showreel in the world, FACT
^Yeah, this exactly. Just not really the right place for it man.