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Skin weight problem- 3ds max 2012

polycounter lvl 5
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khepa polycounter lvl 5
I am facing a weird skinning problem in 3ds max 2012, biped and skin modifier ! Some vertex has two bones influence like 30/70 but when I am increasing the weight value of 30 to 40. the weight isn’t effecting. The vertex is staying in the same place. But when the value is crossing .5 (like .51) the vertexes are jumping to the other bone. Can you imagine how annoying it is ! while I am trying to skin a character !! please give me a hint where is the gape !thanks in advance :)


  • monster
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    monster polycounter
    In the advanced parameters rollout make sure that Rigid isn't checked. Also make sue that the Bone Affect Limit isn't set to 1. Finally make sure you have the latest service pack, they fixed some skinning bugs.
  • khepa
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    khepa polycounter lvl 5
    thank you for your quick replay. I really appreciate your help. I checked the the options as you said and those are ok. I will check if I have instated the latest service pack or not. Although I have started re-skinning the character, deleting the old skin. now its working fine !!!
  • meshiah
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    meshiah polycounter lvl 17
    one other hickup i ran into a bit ago is a checkbox i was using called "fast update" in the advanced parameters. it shuts all the blends off.
    that shit needs to be renamed or have a quick descriptor
  • khepa
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    khepa polycounter lvl 5
    yes ! "fast update" is the culprit !! it was blocking the viewport update. thanks meshiah. I am new in this forum but already I fall in love with this forum because of you helpful guys ! you guys are coming fast with perfect solutions. :)
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