Hi everyone, I was just wondering if anyone knew a good way on how to animate dirt being mined from a surface in 3ds max. In our scene we have some excavators that are shovelling dirt from a bench of dirt in order to clear the area. I was just wondering if anyone had done any digging animations before/ could recommend a good way to do it.
Thanks for your input!
It's not an easy project. Sorry I couldn't point you to an all in one solution.
That sounds like a good idea, the only draw back to that I see if that we have several 1.5km benches that need to be minded which would mean they would have to be broken into heaps of these chunks, which im worried about performance issues if we put the scene into unity. A lot of the work is time-lapse so will be performed very fast (sorry should have mentioned this before) so that method might not work but i guess either way its just lots of repetitive moving sections of the bench so it looks like its being taken away. Thanks for you help