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Question about working with the 3d engine

polycounter lvl 5
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a-k-m polycounter lvl 5

Since I have been just following tutorials for the last 2 month to be able to do something with 3d max, mudbox and the cryengine I soon wanna start doing my first scene, probably from a concept art.

If this scene reaches a sufficient level, I want to add it to my (future) portfolio.

What I was wondering is; when you are doing work for your portfolio, do you ever use the pre-made objects from the game engines?

What about grass and vegetation?
Like in the cryengine it is just very inviting to use the vegetation, the roads and decals ...

Or do you do everything from scratch?

Another question goes to the block-out... Do you start the block-out directly in the game-engine or eg in max? (I can imagine then the scales wouldn't be right in the game-engine if you start it in the 3d-app.)

When doing work for the portfolio, do you bother much about performance, collision-boxes, LOD-models etc?

I hope someone can help me out clarifying my starting doubts.

Thx in advance!




  • Gooner442
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    Gooner442 polycounter lvl 6
    I guess it depends on what you want to achieve, do you want to design environment art or do level design?... or a bit or both. If I see your environment portfolio I will presume you have modelled pretty much everything, you should state if you haven't.

    I think using CE3 you shouldn't run into any scale issues, just do some tests, follow some of the free eat3D tutorials. So I think blocking out in max is fine, just import it into CE3 for a run around.

    I'm no expert though, I'm sure others can clarify
  • passerby
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    passerby polycounter lvl 12
    the scale in ce3 and units are the same as generic units in max, the diffence you will see is the Field of View, and camera Focal Point which you can setup max to use similar values to the engine for that, than just get your self a player model to base scale from, since games very rarley scale well to real world units, since thigns are tweaked to play better.
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