so i was just putting up a new shelf going through my game boxes and got to thinking about the fantastic games that i've played through at least once a year every year since they came out. so what's everyones must replay list?
mine in no particular order
mafia 1
mirrors edge
kane & lynch 2
dungeon keeper
Giants: Citizen Kabuto
Super Metroid (SNES)
Super Mario 3 - NES
FF Tactics - PS1
Chrono Trigger - PS1
LoZ - A link to the past - SNES
those are the ones that i replayed at some point last year. This new year i wanna go through at some point.
Xenogears - ps1
Vagrant Story - ps1
Goldeneye - N64
Perfect Dark - N64
Pilot Wings - SNES
god i love that game... it's like having a girlfriend who is also a hooker, bitter sweet.
Super Metroid!
Super Meat Boy.
Super Ghouls and Ghost [i lie i never beat it, but i never surrender
Also YES.
Secrets of Mana is another good one I'd like to play again soon. Right up there with CT and Terranigma.
I HATED IT SO MUCH when it came out, but it's aged a bit better in my eyes now considering the market saturation i'm willing to give it a second chance (after 6 years!)
also, vvvvvv is a fun replay, and sometimes I tear through the entirety of Deus Ex per major system upgrade
Other games which have been rinsed and repeated: Dungeon Keeper 2, Half Life (until they added the smg recoil :@) & hl:OF, Baldur's Gate SOA, Deus Ex (2000), and Starcraft (98).
Dunno why I love this game so much, but I seem to keep coming back even though clearing it out on the hardest difficulty is like a walk in the park now.
system shock 2!
C & C !!
that is a fucking sweet game, i'l have to give it ago again soon
Zelda-Link to the Past
Mega Man X
Street Fighter 2
RBI Baseball 3
Knights of the Old Republic (Ive installed and un-installed this game more times than i can count)
Grandia 2
Tony Hawk Pro Skater 2
Golden Sun TLA
Halo Combat Evolved (people still play online too)
Magic Carpet (when I can get it to work)
Thief (when I buy it from GOG)
Legacy of Kain:blood omen
Soul reaver 1&2
all oddworld games
all bitmap brothers games (especially speedball2)
used to replay Castlevania: SotN once a year. Should plug in the playstation again sometime.
Steam is great for replaying classics like Doom and Quake.
damn, that was a great game! i remember beating the hell out of it till i let someone borrow it and never got it back...
Super Mario 64
Crash Bandicoot Franchise
64 Zelda's
The first super smash
The Entire .Hack// series (all 7)
Kingdom Hearts (Playing Now)
Rachet & Clank going comando
Sly cooper
Starfox (The Game cube one)
Jak & Daxter
And when Mass Effect 3 comes out Im Playing 1 and 2 up to 3 to get that Movie feel from the story
I have sooo many games around my house but a few of these are the ones i actually finished Too many times
I play Super Castlevania all the way about once a year.
Bought Chrono Trigger the other day on PSN, as I don't think I actually got the best ending on it back in the day.
Man, I love that game. My folks got it for me on a whim, and it turned into one of my favorite games for the SNES. Yes, I can beat it too
This. Along with
Prince of Percia 1
Prince of Persia 2
Flash Back
Fade to Black
Decent 1 , 2 , 3
Heretic 1, 2
Golden Axe
kid chameleon
man there are soo many I've played through out my childhood and uptil now that I cant remember. =\
Resident Evil 2 (Used to literally have this game memorized)
i hate you... (not really) dude the farthest i got was to that like floating cliffs type of thing? god it's been long. I do wanna play it as well.
the golden armor and the crossbow are bad ass together
Dude, I played the shit out of that game. I really don't know why I liked it so much either. In fact, when ever I think about it, I ask mysefl that very question and I can never answer it. It was just addicting and well executed. I thought the whole premise was really fun too. Multiplayer wasn't half bad either!
For me, Majora's Mask > Ocarina of Time. Skyward Sword is also a favorite of mine, but that's too new to be considered for a replay.
Yeah when I first got it I used to use the level select code to skip around til i was good enough at the later levels to be able to run it straight through. And I would use the magic you get with the crossbow all over the place to find where all the chests are. It is on the Wii's Virtual Console after all, gonna play it after work and see how bad I am at it now
There are other old rpgs that I have on a to check out list which I as well never played back when.
Xenogears - ps1
ChronoTrigger - ps1
My buddy seriously looked at me funny when he first learned I never checked these games out haha. I'm into the revisiting the retro stuff (I grew up with it) so I think I have some good gaming in store when I get to them
Actual replays...
Castlevania 4 is due, been years
Super Metroid - an absolute fave
Mario 3 - it's been forever since I played this
Super Mario World - ^ same
Oddworld Abes Exodus - not too long ago I revisited the first game, so picking up the 2nd will be fun too
You won.