Sorry for remaking thread, but it was badly labeled.
Anyway, I took the pointers from the previous thread and think it improved my site alot.
Again, what I am focusing on with my site is simplicity, focus on the artwork, and my feeling that scrolling>clicking.
Any critique on the site itself or the work on it is very welcomed.
The scrolling works really well to get me to look at all of your work. I think your goals of simplicity and focus are well met. One thing maybe to think about is a logo? I didn't see your last thread on this, but I feel like building your identity with a logo would be nice. Maybe a button for a downloadable, formal version of your resume as well.
You are right, maybe I should make a button for a downloadable resum
Art wise HELLS YEAH! I have been a fan of yours for ages now. I did not even know you worked on "The Saga Of Biorn" no wonder I dig so much.
Awesome work all the around dude.
PS. I like the idea of a logo as well but I am not too sure how you could get it to work with such a simple site and NOT detract from the art. hmm... maybe something in or around your name at both the top and bottom of each page.
About the phone number, I did give it thought, but I just came to the conclusion that this time of age, people can find your phone number through your mail anyway, had they evil intentions in mind. And since it's a photo, bots can't track it. That was my thought at least, but I'll take it down if I am completely off the mark here?
you may want to put a link to your linkedin and downloadable CV.
Nice style
as boss i would like to have a downloadable version of your CV (pdf).
scrolling > clicking yes i think that too!
Your work is really nicely created I love the texturing always the deal breaker when it comes to modelling and you do it perfectly. Pickles is probably my favourite it's cute!
good luck to you!