I've always up until now have used front and side image planes when modeling. Like when taking off the training wheels on a bike, I've decided to model for the first time with images, but not in my view-port. I've got bunch of quarter turns and different poses that my reference images show, but it seems that when I attempt to model the results are skewed of what my images relate. I've started over and now posting here in search of tips from the many talented guys and gals here.
Any helpful tips and advice you can give I appreciate.
You need to learn how to model by eye, and get a feeling across from the concept art, and even start to design small parts of it that aren't there for direct reference.
Good luck!
In addition, if you are using photographs, avoid using photos taken from short distances if you can. The perspective effect shows in a more subtle way if the photohgraph is taken from a longer distance.
Once Again thanks to all and everyone that provides advice.