Just a quicky for tonight. I finished the bear and bed models and baked out my normal and AO maps and I'm really satisfied with the results. Tomorrow (or later today in my case) I'm going to make the other textures and get back to work on the film set. I also threw in my complete and mostly complete parts of the room into UDK just to get a feel for the room and experiment with the lighting.

The worn Teddy's textures are pretty sweet. Some things you should adjust in some places, is the saturation to give it a few more breakups. Right now its yellow/orange all over the place. The polycount is also super high. Remember, a very important rule in low poly is that all that matters is the silhoutte. If you dont need the polys, don't use them. With that said, it already looks faceted, with the amount of detail it has on it. Try to reduce it, i guarantee you could bring it very low and it stil look the same. Just beware, doing so may destroy your uvs. And you will have to rebake your normal.
On the camera. Same thing, too high. I see you have things being continuous. Like that handle coming out on the side. Get rid of those polys and instead just have the cylinder that pass through the geometry. it will help you save on polycount and uv distortion. The lenses are round, keep those the way they are.
The leather texture for this, looks so stretched and burry. See what you can do about that.
And on your presentation. Showing the number of faces is not necessary. If its a low poly, all you need to show is the number of tris.
Keep up the good work!
Concept Reference
Soon I should be getting the room I'm gonna work on and then I'll make up a quick concept so you all can see what I envision of XOi's room.
Other than that, you're looking pretty good for some early stuff. I might suggest revisiting the normal map on your projector ~ They're not subtle enough to make the leather case look convincing.
Keep at it, a good start.
Re the film reels, have you tried exploding the low and high poly's just for the baking process, i.e. move the reel away from the canister > bake out > move model back together? Just a thought but looks like the reel could be picking up weird lighting from the projection cage. Alternatively it could be a difference in normals between the high poly and low poly - could try moving the centre vert on the low poly up slightly to increase the angle away from a perfect 90deg.
Zero- You too also had a great idea. I exploded out both and didn't get hardly any artifacting at all.
Here are the semi final film canisters thuse far. Just need to clean up the textures and they should be pretty much done. Just for kicks I added a spec and displacement.
Right now I am in conflict with the theme. It's going to be steampunk but I'm not sure if I want to aim for furturistic sci fi steampunk or more of a classic feel. After all, XOi is a robot.
Here is my reference board for the room with key items.
Also, this room being so ramshackle, it not as believable that there would be a bed frame. More like a mattress on the floor.
This was a school project and the main character is 4 feet tall and my lead wanted the bed to match. I've wanted to go back and redo much of the texture work and add more character to the room but I also needed a break from the room and am currently working on an H&K 416.