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[MaxScript] miauu's Script Pack

polycounter lvl 14
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miauu polycounter lvl 14
miauu's Script Pack is a set of scripts that will help you to make faster and easier some of the tedious task when you use 3ds Max.
miauu's Script Pack include:

Visual Pivot Placer offers you the fastest and easiest way for manipulating the pivot of single object or of a group of objects.
There are two additional scripts. The first one allows you to set the pivot of the selected object to the center of the selected verts, edges or faces by usnig the assigned hotkey. The second one allows you to set the pivot of the selected object anywhere in the scene by using the assigned hotkey.

In-Volume Scatter is a tool that allows you to create clones of one objects and place them in the volume of desired geometry object. You can scatter objects in 3D or 2D shapes. Also, you can use In-Volume Scatter to randomize the position, scale and rotation of the selected objects.

Orbit viewport around picked point offers a new cursor based camera navigation, which allows you to easily orbit around specific areas of focus, because the point of interest is automatically placed on the geometry under the cursor when you begin navigating. To work properly you must be in Orbit Selected or Orbit SubOjbect mode.

Nested Isolation allows you to have up to 10 levels of nested objects isolations. You can move objects from one level to another, to add new objects to any level. You can enter in isolation mode even if you are not in top sub-object level. This work for Editable_poly and Editable_mesh objects.

Multi Dirs Save allows you to save current max file in several locations on local or network hard drives.

Clone between is a tool that allows you to specify how many clones you want to create between two points.
Align Tool offers you a new ways to align two objects - parallel, coplanar, perpendicular, interactive normals align and 3 points rotate and align.

This is a commersial script. Learn more HERE.


  • SimonT
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    SimonT interpolator
    thanks for sharing :)
  • cptSwing
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    cptSwing polycounter lvl 13
    all of your scripts rock, good sir.
  • miauu
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    miauu polycounter lvl 14
  • miauu
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    miauu polycounter lvl 14
    miauu's Script Pack is updated to version 1.1.
    - In-Volume Scatter is updated to version 1.1
    - NEW SCRIPT - Live Measure

    Live Measure v2 allows you to measure the length of edges, segments or splines, area of faces, dimension of objects, distance between objects and distance between points in real time.
  • miauu
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    miauu polycounter lvl 14
    miauu's Script Pack v1.2 is available.


    Clone between is updated to version 1.1 What is new:
    The created arrays are parametric. At any time you can go back and made changes in your arrays.

    [ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VE4_GRxN3S0&feature=player_embedded"]Watch the video demonstration.[/ame]

    Orbit viewport around picked point is updated to version 1.1. What is new(ideas by Shawn Olson): You can use the "Alt", "Shift" and "Ctrl" keys to make your navigation more comfortable. Alt+click will execute the "zoom extents" to the object, in which is placed "the point of orbit". Shift+click will place "the point of orbit" and will execute the "zoom extents" to "the point of orbit". Ctrl+click will place "the point of orbit" and will execute the "zoom extents" to the object, in which is placed "the point of orbit". You can set "the point of orbit" in object, that is a part of XRef scene. Note that in the scenes with thousands of objects, there will be a delay between the time when you click an object and you can start orbiting.

    [ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UQobEyu9ldA&feature=player_embedded"]Watch the video demonstration.[/ame]
  • miauu
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    miauu polycounter lvl 14
    miauu's Script Pack ver. 1.3 is available.

    - Orbit viewport around picked point now works faster with Xref scenes.

    NEW SCRIPT: miauu's Scale Tool is a tool that allows you to scale the desired object, to desired dimension with few easy steps. This tool is very useful when you import or merge objects, that's not match the scale in your scene. Supported objects are Editable Poly, Editable Mesh, and objects with Edit Poly modifier on the top of the modifier stack.

    [ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RW_sMAtljP8"]Watch the video demonstartion[/ame]
  • mLichy
    Very interesting/cool stuff. I like the array tool
  • miauu
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    miauu polycounter lvl 14
    Glad you like it. :)
  • leslievdb
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    leslievdb polycounter lvl 15
    some very creative ideas for scripts man, awesome as always :)
  • miauu
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    miauu polycounter lvl 14
  • miauu
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    miauu polycounter lvl 14
    miauu's Script Pack ver. 1.4 is available.

    miauu's Scale Tool is updated to version 1.1 What is new:
    - can scale groups
    - can set the dimensions of the objects by entering numbers(units) instead of percentages.

    [ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H9Zi3JcDpNc"]Watch the video demonstration[/ame].
  • miauu
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    miauu polycounter lvl 14
    miauu's Script Pack ver. 1.5 is available.

    New Script:

    Set Edge Length is tool that allows you to change the length of the selected edges or segments to desired value. Supported objects are Editable Poly, Editable Mesh, Splines(Line and Editable Spline) and objects with Edit Poly modifier on the top of their modifier stack. IMPORTANT - for Editable Mesh and Spline objects setting the edge length is undoable.

    [ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d9aSsBe6PV4"]Watch the video demonstration.[/ame]
  • miauu
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    miauu polycounter lvl 14
    miauu's Script Pack ver. 1.6 is available.


    Clone Between is updated to version 1.2. Now you can see the distance between the clones and the distance between the master nodes(total distance) - idea by Marcus Erich Waldmann. You can set the distance between the clones with accuracy. Distance works with objects, created with previous versions of "Clone between".

    [ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cb50wKCde00"]Watch video demonstration[/ame]
  • miauu
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    miauu polycounter lvl 14
    What is new in ver.1.7

    Visual Pivot Placer - faster calculating of the local bounding box of the object.

    Scale Tool - faster calculating of the dimension of the object.

    In-volume Scatter - fixed random move only on one axis.

    Clone between - fixed: reset clones to zero when right click to reset number of copies.

    Live Measure:
    - measure distance between active camera and the selected object. Work only when the active viewport is set to a Camera view.
    - faster calculating of the dimension and the local bounding box of the object.
    - in top sub-object level:
    - LMB - will show the real dimension of the object, drawing its local bounding box
    - LMB+Shift - will show the dimension, defined by most top - most bottom, most left - most right, most front - most back verts of the selected object.Useful when the object is rotated at some sub-object level.
    - LMB+Ctrl - will show the dimension of the world bounding box of the selected object.
  • miauu
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    miauu polycounter lvl 14
    miauu's Script Pack ver. 1.8 is available.

    New Script: Hidden Polys Manager - extends the built-in hide/unhide polygons functionality of 3ds Max. It allows you to hide or unhide certain part of the object.

    [ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aqmSKj3WEMM"]Video demonstration.[/ame]
  • ZombieWells
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    ZombieWells polycounter lvl 12
    dude, I love your scripts! They have become an indispensable part of my work flow. I had to jump from max, to modo, and back again. A lot of the key tools in modo, (just as a side, modo is a really great package) that I wish max had you put together; great work, keep it up.
  • miauu
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    miauu polycounter lvl 14
  • miauu
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    miauu polycounter lvl 14
    miauu's Script Pack ver. 1.9 is available.
    miauu's Scale Tool is updated to version 1.2 What is new:
    - can set the dimensions of the groups by entering numbers(units) instead of percentages.
    - match the dimension of two objects or groups
    [ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EM1k9Xn8tiA"]Video demonstration[/ame]
    Hidden Polys Manager is updated to version 1.1 What is new:
    - added dropdown list that show the name of the selected object and allows to select object by picking in the list. Idea Branko Živković
    [ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=guACZzeAzUo"]Video Demonstration[/ame]
  • miauu
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    miauu polycounter lvl 14
    miauu's Script Pack ver. 2.0 is available.

    New Script: miauu's Corner Align - allows you to create corners by connecting vertices or edges with few very easy steps.

    [ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x2RqBcMsBUE"]Video demonstration[/ame]
  • miauu
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    miauu polycounter lvl 14
    miauu's Script Pack ver. 2.1 is available.

    Corner Align support Presere UVs

    Visual Pivot Placer:
    - fixed groups behaviour. When the scipts shows the WORLD BBox, the cage for the whole group will be shown. When the script shows Local or Dimensional BBox, the cage for the single object will be shown.
    - Shift + LMB will pick the spline, point, dummy under the mouse and will place the pivot of the picked object to the place of the pivot of the picked spline

    Clone Between - can clone groups.
  • cptSwing
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    cptSwing polycounter lvl 13

    VPP is one of the tools I use in nearly every single max session. That alone is worth the price.. the scale tool has been very useful, same with the edge sizing and measurement tools - great stuff!
  • miauu
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    miauu polycounter lvl 14
    cptSwing wrote: »

    VPP is one of the tools I use in nearly every single max session. That alone is worth the price.. the scale tool has been very useful, same with the edge sizing and measurement tools - great stuff!
    Thank you.
    Glad you like it. :)
  • WarrenM
    Absolutely agreed! I use VPP so often I gave it a hot key. So useful...
  • miauu
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    miauu polycounter lvl 14
    miauu's Script Pack ver. 2.2 is available.

    - New script - Live Measure Angles - measure angle between three points.


    - Visual Pivot Placer - new UI with regular buttons. When in sub-object level can set the pivot position of all instances of the selected object, relaitvely to the selected verts/edges/faces by Shift+LMB over to sub-object celter button. New ability to align the object pivot to sub-object selection local pivot.
  • miauu
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    miauu polycounter lvl 14
    The Script Pack is updated to version 2.4
    Set Edge Length is updated to version 2.
    - for Single Edges mode the user can select the initial verts. Removed markers that shows the initial verts. Initial verts can't be reversed using the script.
    - or Single Loop and Multiple Loops you must select initial edges(not initial verts).

    Watch this video.
  • miauu
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    miauu polycounter lvl 14
    The Script Pack is updated to version 2.5.

    - In-Volume Scatter is updated - fixed an error when multiple objects are scattered across the volume of the object
  • miauu
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    miauu polycounter lvl 14
    The Script Pack is updated to version 2.6.

    - Visual Pivot Placer is updated. Now you can change the position of the pivot of a group. The pivot of all objects in that group will stay unchanged.

    [ame="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nixeQq_2498"]Video demonstration.[/ame]
  • miauu
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    miauu polycounter lvl 14
    miauu's Script Pack vol.1 is updated to version 2.7.


    - Visual Pivot Placer is updated and now works properly with Edit_Poly modifier.
  • miauu
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    miauu polycounter lvl 14
    miauu's Script Pack vol.1 is updated to version 3.3

    -  Visual Pivot Placer is pudated. Now it allows you to set the position and orientation of the pivot of one object to be the same as the position and orientation of the pivot of another object.

    Video demonstration:


  • cptSwing
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    cptSwing polycounter lvl 13
    Ah, nice. Been using other scripts for that kind of stuff, cool to consolidate it all into VPP. Was there a function to copy working pivots to object pivots and vice versa included at some point? If so, I can't figure out where it is ;)
  • miauu
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    miauu polycounter lvl 14
    cptSwing said:
    Ah, nice. Been using other scripts for that kind of stuff, cool to consolidate it all into VPP. Was there a function to copy working pivots to object pivots and vice versa included at some point? If so, I can't figure out where it is ;)
    I wrote a script that aligns the pivot of the selected object to the working pivot for my script pack vol.2, but I can include it in both script packs. If you want I can send it to you before the official release?
  • cptSwing
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    cptSwing polycounter lvl 13
    Ah, it's not a function I use too much, really. Just thought it'd be cool to merge all kinds of pivot functions into the almighty VPP. So your script looks at an objects regular pivot and sets the working pivot to the same coordinates/angles? And the other way around as well?
  • miauu
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    miauu polycounter lvl 14
    cptSwing said:
    Ah, it's not a function I use too much, really. Just thought it'd be cool to merge all kinds of pivot functions into the almighty VPP. So your script looks at an objects regular pivot and sets the working pivot to the same coordinates/angles? And the other way around as well?
    Ok. I will add your suggestions in the next version of VPP.
  • cptSwing
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    cptSwing polycounter lvl 13
    You're a star. I use VPP probably half a dozen times per session.. indispensable!
  • miauu
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    miauu polycounter lvl 14
    @cptSwing, thank you.

    miauu's Script Pack vol.1 is updated to version 3.4

    New Scripts:
    - Align WP to OP - alligns the Working Pivot to the pivot of the selected object.
    - Aliogn OP to WP - alligns the pivot of the selected object to the Working Pivot
    - Turn Off WP - will turn off the Working Pivot. It is recomended o use it when the Working Pivot was activated by the Visual Pivot Placer.

    -  Visual Pivot Placer is updated.
    -- added Align to Sub-Object. When 1, 2, 3 verts, edges, faces are selected the pivot of the object will be aligned as follows:

    - 1 vert is selected - to the verts normal
    - 2 verts are selected - the position of the pivot will match the middle point between selected verts. The X axis will match the direction betwen selected verts.
    - Three verts are selected - the position of the pivot will match the middle point between selected verts. The X axis will match the direction betwen the most farthest verts.The Z axis will be perpendicular to the  plane that the selected verts forms.

    - 1 edge is selected - the position of the pivot will match the edge center. The Z axis will match the normal of the edge, X axis will match the direction of the edge.
    - 2 edges are selected - the position of the pivot will match with the midpoint of the two centers of the edges. The Z axis will match the normal of the plane that selected edges forms. The X axis will match the vector of the longest edge.

    - 1 polygons is selected - the position of the pivot will match with the centers of the selected polygon. The X axis match the vector of the longest edge. The Z axis will be perpendicular to the selected polygon
    - 2 polygons are selected - the position of the pivot will be aligned to the center selected polygons.

    Video demonstration:

  • miauu
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    miauu polycounter lvl 14
    miauu's Script Pack vol.1 version 3.8 is avaliable

    -  Nested Isolation: When the isolated selection is saved with the scene and the NI is run it will load existing isolations and will show the active isolation level. Active isolation level will not be shwon when some of the objects from this level are hidden. For example - selSet_3 is active, but objects from selSet_7 is hidden - active SelSet will not be shown.

    Demonstration video:


  • miauu
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    miauu polycounter lvl 14

    miauu's Script Pack vol.1 version 4.0 is avaliable.


    - Nested Isolation. Added LMB + Click to select all objects from the clicked isolation level.

  • IxenonI
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    IxenonI interpolator
    Hey miauu,

    I`ve been using your scripts for a long time, they are really big timesavers. I just wanted to say thank you for the continuous updates and the amazing work on the scripts!
  • miauu
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    miauu polycounter lvl 14
    IxenonI said:
    Hey miauu,

    I`ve been using your scripts for a long time, they are really big timesavers. I just wanted to say thank you for the continuous updates and the amazing work on the scripts!
    Thank you.
  • musashidan
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    musashidan high dynamic range
    Feature request for Hidden Poly Manager - the MMB to 'remove polys from list' is a bit misleading. You would think that it would remove only selected polys from the group, but it just deletes the entire group. It should really be called 'delete list'.

    It would make this tool a lot more powerful if you could remove only selected polys(in the viewport) from the list, but keep the group with the polys you didn't remove. That way you could add/remove polys at any time to the group.
  • miauu
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    miauu polycounter lvl 14
    Feature request for Hidden Poly Manager - the MMB to 'remove polys from list' is a bit misleading. You would think that it would remove only selected polys from the group, but it just deletes the entire group. It should really be called 'delete list'.

    It would make this tool a lot more powerful if you could remove only selected polys(in the viewport) from the list, but keep the group with the polys you didn't remove. That way you could add/remove polys at any time to the group.
    Sorry for the late relpy.
    Can you make a video to show me what exactly happens and what do you want to happen when the MMB is used? You can send it to my email.
  • miauu
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    miauu polycounter lvl 14

    miauu's Script Pack vol.1 version 4.6 is available.


    Nested Isolation Mode includes:

       - added "Original/Base" level which holds all visible objects before executing the script.

       - LMB+Ctrl the [Original] button to always show the selected objects in all Isolated levels.


    Set Edge Length 2:

    - added Undo support when length of spline segments is set

  • miauu
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    miauu polycounter lvl 14
    miauu's Script Pack vol.1 version 4.6.03 is available.

            + FIXED: measurement of Local Bounding Box.
            + FIXED: Align Tool - prevent error when no edge is selected and the AA button is pressed.
            + UPDATED: Scale Tool on restart will delete all guides, drawn in the viewport
            + UPDATED: Visual Pivot Placer reg. UI - Align object pivot to another object pivot works more correctly

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