A WIP sculpt heading towards making a Pterosaur type dinosaur. Still looking into sculpting in more form in areas and getting detailing into the sculpt. Will likely go through one or two retops when appropriate for better sculpting anatomy. So far here are the key things I'am looking into developing further:
. Head fine wrinkles need more variation
. Chest muscles may need to be bought more into the abs to follow some bird muscle anatomy more accurately and to show they can support the giant wings.
. More attention and care needs to be put into the wings skeletal shape.
. Both hand and feet claws need more general form/muscle sculpting (feet need a thumb).
. Tail will be looked into towards the end, am considering giving it a more lengthy tail to make it appear more interesting.
Crits and advice people feel appropriate are fully welcome.
Current WIP of my pterosaur
Also another piece I've been working on blending human and cat form together. Been rather fun/interesting and would appreciate any feedback.
throwing up a couple of updates (don't know what's happened to my previous one). My catman I'm going for a fit/healthy look and trying to keep into consideration what impact the fur (to be diffused etc) will have on secluding some of the anatomy.
The Pterosaur I'm fairly pleased with the outcome but am open ears to ways in which I could improve further, whether it'd be for this model or something I could take on further with future work.