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Robo wip

I should have started this thread a while ago but oh well.

here's a project I've been working recently: I'm calling him robo, but you can call him robot if you'd like to. No, seriously, call him robot. Go on, I won't mind. Do you think I'm joking? I. Don't. Care. What. youcallhim. So call him robot ok? jesus

Long story short, it's my first attempt at doing a hipoly character-type in maya so this should be at least an entertaining train wreck if nothing else.

Oh? what's this? a rough zbrush sculpt?

yes. yes it is a rough zbrush sculpt.

I also made a sort of early preview thing in marmoset using a decimated version of that sculpt. Just to get (among other things) an idea of how the colours would work

hi poly foot! (this took me way too fucking long to make)


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